Grand Prix Omaha

Organizer: Legion Events
Judge manager: Rob McKenzie
Event type: Grand Prix
REL: Competitive/Professional (GP)
Format: Modern
Event date(s): Jan. 9, 2015-Jan. 11, 2015
Location: Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Venue: CenturyLink Center Omaha
Exhibit Hall A
455 North 10th ST
Omaha, NE 68102
Applications accepted through: Nov. 8, 2014

Event Information



I am Rob McKenzie, your Judge Manager for GP Omaha. I strongly reccomend you read the entire event posting – this contains information you need to know for the GP, including how compensation is being handled (this is different from prior Legion GPs!) and how Standby judges are being handled.


Applications for judge staff for GP Omaha the weekend of January 10th-11th are now open. This event will be at the CenturyLink Center Omaha.


CenturyLink Center Omaha

Exhibit Hall A

455 North 10th ST

Omaha, NE 68102


The main event will be Modern and the head judge will be Chris Richter.


Application dates / process


Applications are open now and will close on Sunday, November 9th. Staffing will be announced as soon as we can after the application window has closed. Expect this to be no less than 8 weeks before the event, and expect to know if you are scheduled for Friday no less than 6 weeks before the event.




All certified judges selected for staff will receive compensation in the form of cash and MTG product.


For Grand Prix Omaha and future Legion Grand Prix, our compensation structure is changing.  In the future, judges will receive pay based on level according to the following for working both Saturday and Sunday:
  • Level 3+
    • $598
    • 6 boxes of current set product
    • One GP judge playmat
    • One messenger bag
  • Level 2
    • $400
    • 4 boxes of current set product
    • One GP judge playmat
    • One messenger bag
  • Level 1
    • $200
    • 3 boxes of current set product
    • One GP judge playmat
    • One messenger bag
There will also be a bonus attached to the event for Saturday and Sunday judges if we end up with significantly higher attendance than planned.  After we activate Standby judges, we will evaluate the number of judges and compare that to GP main event entries.  If the player:judge ratio for the main event goes above 35:1, for each 100 players above that ratio active in the main event (so not counting round 1 noshows), judges will receive the following bonuses (subject to discretionary rounding by the judge manager):
  • Level 3+
    • $60
  • Level 2
    • $40
  • Level 1
    • $20
In addition, Friday is being compensated seperately from Saturday and Sunday.  It is a shorter day, and has no main event.  Friday compensation is again based on level:
  • Level 3+
    • $90
    • 3 boxes of current set product
  • Level 2
    • $70
    • 2 boxes of current set product
  • Level 1
    • $50
    • 2 boxes of current set product
This is slightly complicated, so some examples:
You are an L1, and work Saturday and Sunday.  The event has 35 judges and 1500 players.  35 judges at 35 players a judge is 1225 players, so we are 175 players over.  The judge manager uses his discretion and declares that this event is 200 players over.  Your bonus is active twice.  You get:
  • $240
  • 3 boxes of current set product
  • One GP judge playmat
  • One messenger bag
You are an L2, and work Saturday and Sunday.  The event has 40 judges and 1500 players.  40 judges at 35 players a judge is 1400 players, so we are 100 players over.  Your bonus is active once.  You get:
  • $440
  • 4 boxes of current set product
  • One GP judge playmat
  • One messenger bag
You are an L3, and work all three days.  The event has 45 judges and 1500 players.  45 judges at 35 players a judge is 1575 players, so we are under the staff number.  Your bonus is not active.  You get:
  • $690
  • 9 boxes of current set product
  • One GP judge playmat
  • One messenger bag
Things to note:
This money includes what was the prior Legion stipend, and takes the place of any room or food stipend.  It is expected to cover all costs for your travel, lodging, and food for the weekend.
Every judge will be expected to fill out either a W-9 or W-8ben as applicable.  One of these must be on file with us for each calendar year you work Legion GPs.  If you receive $600 or more in a year in pay from us, we will issue you a 1099 as a contractor.

We reserve the right to increase pay on a per-event basis, provide other promotional items, or provide other inducements on a per-person or per-event basis.  These compensation levels are minimums, not maximums. 



Due to a misunderstanding on my part, I posted slightly incorrect pay numbers for L3+ judges.  The goal was to pay an amount per day that put them under the 1099 limit, but my understanding of the 1099 requirements was not clear.  I have adjusted the L3+ payment slightly (It is now based on $299 a day) in order to avoid having to 1099 an L3 that works only one event for Legion.  My apologies for the mistake.

Carpool Bonus

If you bring multiple judges that are accepted as either standby or staff and are carpooling, we are offering a carpool incentive of $50 per judge in a single car.  This is being provided to the driver of the carpool to defray gas.

There will be a google doc posted on the event forum that you can use to generate a carpool.  This doc will be used by us to verify the size of your carpool, and thus what incentive the driver receives.  If your carpool is not listed in this doc, you will not be getting the carpool incentive.


As a reminder for drivers, it is strongly encouraged to use a milage deduction for this event on your taxes.  The 2014 federal milage deduction is $.56 per mile, which for most drivable cities will make the cost of travel deductible.

General Information



There are no judge foils being provided to judges that attend GP Omaha.  Please be aware of this when applying and making travel plans.




There is no hotel sponsorship for this event. Judges are expected to make their own arrangements regarding where they stay.  The compensation provided is expected to cover hotel costs.


You can find some information on hotels in the area around the convention center here:


Once our hotel block is finalized, that will be posted in the event forum.


Once staff has been selected it is recommended that you make contact with other judges to get hotel rooms. A link to a Google Doc sheet with hotel sharing information will be posted on the event forum after staff selection has been completed.


Certification testing


We will be offering L1 and L2 certification. If you are an L1 and interested in testing for L2 at this event make sure to include the following information in your application:


If you know of anyone that is L0 and interested in testing for L1 at this GP, please have them email me at We may still accept ‘walk ups’ but getting information from interested judge candidates beforehand would be useful.


Standby Judging


If you plan to apply as a Standby Judge, there are a few things you should know:


All Standy Judges must be available for Saturday. We may activate people Friday if there are unusual numbers of side events, but the primary goal of Standby is to provide Judges for the main event on Saturday.


All Standby Judges must be L2+. We will not be accepting L1 Judges as Standby, as we won't activate you to be on the floor of the main event on Saturday. This is a change from prior Legion Standby policy.


All Standby Judges will recieve free main event entry. This will be in the form of a coupon usuable to reduce the cost of online pre-registration by $60 (the cost of a normal main event entry). In order to make use of your free main event entry, you must preregister online. Your coupon will be usable exactly once, and is non-transferrable. Please do not attempt to trade or give away your coupon, this is free entry just for you. You may preregister online until midnight Friday January 9th. If you fail to preregister online, you will not be entered into the main event. If you pay for additional bonuses (like Sleep-In Special or VIP) and are activated for the main event, you will have those costs refunded within 7 days of the event.




Info needed in application


-Which days you are available to work. (Most judges will be expected to work Saturday and Sunday, we will need a few for the Grinders that start on Friday. Also be sure to note if you can work later on Sunday evening.)

-If you wish to test for L2 (be sure to include information requested in the above section)

-Any special requests or needs, comments or concerns.


Application type:


If you wish to be on staff you need to select 'Full Sponsorship.'


If you are able to be added as a replacement or at the event itself select 'Standby.'


You can choose to select both if wish to be considered for staff and want the potential to be added if initially declined.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
John Alderfer
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Rob McKenzie
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Judge Manager
W. Matt Williams
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Floor Judge
Nicolette Apraez
Level 3 (Judge Academy) USA - Southeast Standby
Dan Milavitz
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Standby
Michael Arrowsmith
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Jordan Baker
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Scorekeeper
Casey Brefka
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - South Central Floor Judge
Joe Brooks
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Southwest Floor Judge
Patrick Cool
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Eric Evans
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Robert Graves
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Casey Hanford
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Matthew Jacques
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Alex Jacques
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Floor Judge
John Laitinen
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Joshua Marin
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Raoul Mowatt
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Sherwin Ng
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Jeff Phillips
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific Northwest Scorekeeper
Zach Rivers
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Morgan Wentworth
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Staff
Stacy Winchell
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Anthony Wood
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - South Central Floor Judge
Julian Marin
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Steve Peterman
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Midatlantic Staff
Brandon Arsenault
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
James Bennett
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Steven Briggs
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Adena Chernosky
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Ryan Dobesh
Uncertified USA - Plains Floor Judge
Alexei Gousev
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Arthur Halavais
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Riki Hayashi
Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Andrew Heckt
Uncertified Italy and Malta Staff
Mike Horberg
Uncertified USA - South Central Standby
Nathan Jochum
Uncertified USA - Plains Floor Judge
Dustin Jones
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
April King
Uncertified USA - Plains Floor Judge
Stefan Mackiewicz
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Staff
Bruce Mills
Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Justin Miyashiro
Uncertified USA - Southwest Standby
Alex Jerard Muhich
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Standby
Ben Reit
Uncertified USA - Plains Floor Judge
Zachary Reyburn
Uncertified USA - Plains Standby
Christopher Richter
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Head Judge
Maximilian Schroeder
Uncertified USA - Plains Floor Judge
Will Stevens
Uncertified USA - Plains Floor Judge
Jeremy Toma-Cooper
Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Andrew Turpin
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Standby
Kevin Wellens
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge