Grand Prix Oklahoma City 2015

Organizer: Legion Events
Judge manager: Christopher Richter
Event type: Grand Prix
REL: Competitive/Professional (GP)
Format: Modern
Event date(s): Sept. 11, 2015-Sept. 13, 2015
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
Venue: Cox Convention Center
1 Myriad Gardens
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102
Applications accepted through: July 17, 2015

Event Information



Applications for judge staff for GP Oklahoma City the weekend of September 11th-13th are now open.  This event will be at the Cox Communications Center.


The main event is Modern and the head judge will be Toby Elliott.


*Application dates / process


Applications are open now and will close on Friday, July 17th.  Staffing will be announced as soon as we can after the application window has closed.




All certified judges selected for staff will receive compensation in the form of cash, MTG product and Magic accessories.


Level 3+

$299 for each day worked

3 boxes of current set product per day

1 GP Playmat and 1 Deckbox per day worked


Level 2

$200 for each day worked

2 boxes of current set product per day

1 GP Playmat and 1 Deckbox per day worked (Max of 2)


Level 1

$100 for each day worked

1 boxes of current set product per day

1 GP Playmat and 1 Deckbox


(Anyone that receives an entire full sealed case of product can arrange to have it shipped to them as opposed to receiving it on site.  This applies to full cases only, any product in excess of a case will be given on site.)


Barring specific arrangements, it is assumed that all judges will work Saturday and Sunday.  We will need some staff on Friday, so make sure to answer the question below about availability on Friday.


All judges are expected to be available to work until 7 PM on Sunday.  Judges that work past 8 PM on Sunday will receive an additional $20, but will be expected to work until at least10 PM.  Include in your application if you will be available to work past 8 PM on Sunday.


Additional accommodations regarding days worked and leave times may be arranged on an individual basis.  Please list any special requests you have in your application.


Judges will have to complete appropriate tax forms on site before receiving any payment.  This applies to all judges that are accepted to work this event.  This compensation is expected to cover your expenses for the event including hotel and per diems.


We are also working on getting a unique, fun and useful judge giveaway.  More info to be posted later.




In your application please include any information on why you feel you should be accepted.  Keep in mind that requests for scheduling are not needed at this time and will be collected by the HJ later.  However any specific restrictions on when you can work should be included in your application.




There is no hotel sponsorship for this event.  Judges are expected to make their own arrangements regarding where they stay. 


There is a hotel block arranged for by the TO at the Sheraton Oklahoma City Downtown:

Sheraton Oklahoma City Downtown Hotel

1 N Broadway Ave

Oklahoma City, OK 73102


The rate is $129/a night for single/double, $159 for three, $189 for four.


Block is from Thurs., Sept 10 – Sun Sept 13 (check out Monday).


Cutoff date to arrange for one of these rooms is Aug 27 5pm. Room block is called “Grand Prix”  When we get a link for it, we will post it here.


The venue will be the Cox Communication Center.  (The site of the last GP OKC)  You can find additional information about other hotels that are near the Cox Communication Center at the following links:


Once staff has been selected it is recommended that you make contact with other judges to get hotel rooms.  We can use the event forums for that purpose.




There are a few shuttle services that operate out of the Oklahoma City airport.  You can find additional information here:


Additional information may be posted here or on the forums as it is discovered.


For this interested and able to take the train, the Amtrack station is right by the Cox Communications Center.


*Certification testing


We will likely be offering L1 and L2 certification.  If you are an L1 and interested in testing for L2 at this event make sure to include the following information in your application:

-How long you have been a L1 judge?

-Who tested you and at what event?

-What events you have worked? (It does not need to be complete, just a few for examples)

-Some other judges you have worked with.



If you know of anyone that is L0 and interested in testing for L1 at this GP, please have them email me at  We will still accept ‘walk ups’ but getting information from interested judge candidates beforehand would be useful.


Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
John Alderfer
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Floor Judge
John Brian McCarthy
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Rob McKenzie
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Floor Judge
W. Matt Williams
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Floor Judge
Ward Warren
Level 4 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Jordan Baker
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Scorekeeper
Erick Carlsted
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Staff
Lloyd Dodson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Staff
Billy Gilmore
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Tim Hardick
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Floor Judge
Matthew Jacques
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Alex Jacques
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Emmanuel Leal
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Raoul Mowatt
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Antonio Zanutto
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Floor Judge
Nicolette Apraez
Uncertified USA - Southeast Staff
Michael Arrowsmith
Uncertified USA - Northeast Staff
Brandon Arsenault
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Joni Bailey
Uncertified USA - Southwest Floor Judge
Ross Barnett
Uncertified USA - Plains Staff
Kevin Binswanger
Uncertified USA - Southwest Floor Judge
Brian Bradshaw
Uncertified USA - Southeast Floor Judge
Steven Briggs
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Adena Chernosky
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Aaron Chism
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Jess Dunks
Uncertified USA - Southeast Floor Judge
Daniel Dusang
Uncertified USA - Southwest Floor Judge
Toby Elliott
Uncertified USA - Northeast Head Judge
Jarrod Feight
Uncertified USA - Southwest Floor Judge
Justin Gardner
Uncertified USA - Plains Floor Judge
Nick Hable
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Staff
Arthur Halavais
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Caleb Hardekopf
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Staff
Riki Hayashi
Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Nate Hurley
Uncertified USA - Southwest Floor Judge
Kyle Knudson
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
John Laitinen
Uncertified USA - Plains Floor Judge
Alexander Lamminen
Uncertified USA - Plains Staff
Eric Levine
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Head Judge
Stefan Mackiewicz
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Staff
Jordan McQueen
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Ashlee Moran
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Sherwin Ng
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Jeff Phillips
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Scorekeeper
Steve Port
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Tournament Organizer
Ruth Reimer
Uncertified USA - Plains Staff
Christopher Richter
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Judge Manager
Chris Schafer
Uncertified USA - Plains Floor Judge
Samantha Short
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Jim Shuman
Uncertified USA - Southwest Floor Judge
Richard Spicer
Uncertified USA - Southwest Floor Judge
John Temple
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Jeremy Toma-Cooper
Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Morgan Wentworth
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Staff