Scottish Judge Conference

Organizer: Daniel De Swarte and Craig Mackie
Judge manager: Craig Mackie
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: No Format
Event date(s): Sept. 12, 2015
Location: Dunfermline, United Kingdom
Venue: Dell Farquharson Community Leisure Centre
Nethertown Broad St
United Kingdom
KY12 7DS
Applications accepted through: Sept. 11, 2015

Event Information

I am very pleased to announce the first Scottish Judge Conference! This will be taking place on Saturday, the 12th of September. The day afterwards, the Dunfermline PPTQ will be taking place for anyone looking for a weekend full of Magic.

Judge conferences are an opportunity to meet new people, see old friends, learn new tips and share knowledge. During the conference, we will be running seminars and workshops focusing on particular aspects of the judge program, all presented by volunteers like you.

The Scottish Judge Conference is open to all comers, regardless whether you're a player or judge, local or non-local. However, if you do plan on attending, please apply here so that we will have an accurate headcount for planning purposes.


We are looking for presenters! When applying for the conference, you should specify whether you are interested in presenting. The conference cannot happen without the help of volunteers like yourself willing to present. The final list of presenters will be confirmed four weeks out from the event (15th of August aka GP London).


The list of presenters and presentations are as follows:

The event will culminate with a Judge Quiz, hosted by Craig Mackie. This will be a team event, where you can expect the questions to be viciously unfair.


Level 1 and Level 2 Testing will be available by prior arrangement. If you wish to test for Level 1 or 2, please contact Craig ( in advance to arrange details.

Other Details

There is no attendance charge, but you will need money to purchase food and drink, as well as for the Judge Dinner.

There will be judge foils at this event. If you are a certified judge, you will wish to apply before the Saturday, the 15th of August, so we can notified the RC about numbers.

If anyone is travelling a reasonable distance and looking to stay nearby on the Friday/Saturday night, Daniel can accommodate a couple of people at his house (provided you're not allergic to furry animals).

This page will be updated as more details are confirmed. If you have any questions or queries, please get in touch with Craig or Daniel.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Raymond Fong
Level 3 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Daniel De Swarte
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Staff
Cayce Lauder
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Ruth Macgregor
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Elizabeth Mackie
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Craig Mackie
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Staff
Brett Wright
Level 2 (Judge Academy) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Tim Allen
Level 1 (Judge Academy) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Stefanos Karageorgis
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Benjamin Lisle
Level 1 (Judge Academy) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Neil Macgregor
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
David Rennie
Level 1 (Judge Academy) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Craig Banach
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Adrien Boyeldieu
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Stephanie Dolan
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Kenneth Hall
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
James Kidd
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Matthew McGill
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
David Mills
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Richard Watt
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge