Northeast Spring 2016 Judge Conference
Organizer: | USA Northeast Region |
Judge manager: | Dan Collins |
Event type: | Judge Conference |
REL: | N/A |
Format: | No Format |
Event date(s): | March 26, 2016 |
Location: | Hoboken, New Jersey, United States |
Venue: | The Babbio Center at Stevens Institute of Technology 525 River St Hoboken, NJ 07030 |
Applications accepted through: | Feb. 17, 2016 |
Event Information
UPDATE (3/23/2016): There is no longer a wait list for foils. All currently confirmed and certified attendees are eligible for participation foils. You may still sign up for the conference. Please use the following late applications link:
On behalf of the Northeast US, we're excited to invite you all to our region's next Judge Conference! This conference will be held on Saturday, March 26, 2016 at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ. Beginning at 10 AM, the conference will feature six sessions and an hour break for lunch, and wrap up around 5 PM. We are looking to host up to 30 presentations on a wide variety of topics related to Magic Judging.
Your organizers are Dan Collins, Ian Marcellana, and Paul Baranay. Please feel free to email us at with any questions or suggestions!
How to Register
If you are interested in attending, simply click the "Apply Now!" button up above! We will accept applications on a constant basis, so that you can quickly gain access to the event forums. We expect the forums to be a helpful resource for coordinating travel and hotel plans with other judges.
All are welcome to attend, including uncertified judges and judges from regions outside the Northeast! If you know an uncertified judge who is planning on attending, please encourage them to register for the event via JudgeApps so they can receive updates and information about the event, as well as help ensure an accurate headcount. If that is not immediately possible, please contact us at with names and email addresses of anyone who wishes to attend.
Attendance Capacity
There are some potential limitations on attendance at this conference. As a sign of appreciation, Wizards of the Coast allows us to offer attendees a selection of promotional foil cards, proportional to the number of seminars attended. However, a recent change to conference policy may limit us to requesting a maximum of 150 sets of foils. These foils are available if you meet the following criteria:
Register for the conference by applying to this JudgeApps event
Be a certified (Level 1 or higher) Judge with a correct level in JudgeApps at the time you apply, or if you certify after applying, email us at with your updated level
Be among the first 150 people to meet the above criteria
Separate from the above, the physical limitations of this venue require us to place a hard cap at 200 confirmed attendees. This is based on the space in our presentation rooms. Based on past conference attendances, it is a possibility that we will reach this cap. If you are "accepted" for this JudgeApps event, then there is confirmed to be space for you at this conference.
If either of these caps is reached, we will place an update at the top of this solicitation, and we will keep you advised if space opens up.
Excellent presenters are an essential element of a successful conference. To that end, we are looking for high-quality, experienced presenters who are willing to push the envelope. We envision presenters as facilitators and discussion leaders, not lecturers. Most presentations will be given to an audience of around 40 judges.
If you are interested in presenting, please email us with your proposal at as soon as possible, but no later than Saturday, February 13. Your proposal should include:
Seminar topic
Ideal audience size
Necessary equipment (projector, AV, etc.)
Information and materials about previous seminars you have presented
We are looking to accept up to 30 presentations, so there is plenty of space for proposed presentations. Past experience is by no means required or expected, and first time presenters are welcome! Finally, depending on attendance and the sizes of the rooms we reserve, some presenters may be asked to present twice to allow all interested attendees to see their presentation.
The conference schedule will be posted to the forum once it is finalized. We will start at 10 AM, run three morning sessions, break for lunch, and run three more afternoon sessions.
Travel Plans
A comprehensive travel guide will be posted in the forums to help you plan to attend this conference.
Level 1 and Level 2 Testing
L1 and L2 testing will be available at this conference.
Testing and interviews can be guaranteed only if we have advance notice of your desire to test. If you wish to test, or you are coming with a candidate who wishes to test, please contact us at and we will put you in touch with one of our testing coordinators. L2 candidates, please make sure to check out this page for make sure your pre-testing requirements are fulfilled.
Help Wanted
We are looking for one or more staff photographers. Please email us at if you are interested!
We are also looking for L2 and L3 judges to coordinate L1 and L2 testing. Please email us at if you are interested!
Finally, we are looking for a few judges to be Room Leads throughout the day. Similar to a master of ceremonies, this role entails introducing each presenter, assisting with technology, and helping make sure everything goes smoothly. Please email us at if you are interested, and we'll coordinate details as we solidify our schedule.
Contact Information
Questions? Suggestions? Let us know! Feel free to email us for any reason at!
Staff Members
Name |
Level |
Role |
Paul Baranay
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Staff |
Dan Collins
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Staff |
Shawn Doherty
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Staff |
John Brian McCarthy
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Joseph Steet
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Steven Zwanger
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
John Shannon
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Jacen Simon
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Rob Blanckaert
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Andrew Blizzard
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Adam Eidelsafy
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
James Eveland
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Joshua Hudson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Daniel Jackson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Eli Meyer
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Jason Riendeau
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Jeremy Smith
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Peter Creutzberger
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Nathan Gellin
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Brent Koontz
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Steven Lipkowitz
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Scott Maddock
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
James Adams
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
William Anderson
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Zachary Apony
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Riva Arecol
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Sam Barrows
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Simon Belkin
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Samuel Bill
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Katie Bishop
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Brad Bonin
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Matt Braddock
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Eric Dustin Brown
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Mike Brum
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Benjamin Burke
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Dick Burns
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Raven Byrne
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Christopher Cahill
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Spencer Carver
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Mani Cavalieri
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Alexster Cesarano
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Andrew Charlton
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Terrence Cheung
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Raymond Cheung
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
branden cline
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Chris Connett
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Simon Cooper
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Derrick Correia
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Benjamin Coursey
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Michael Cox
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Michael Crowell
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Chase Culpon
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Tom Davis
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Aaron Day
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jonathan De Pinho
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
David DeGrace
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Eric DelSanto
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Russell Deutsch
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Nicola DiPasquale
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Ethan Do
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Ben Eldridge
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Thomas Emmanoyil
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Charles Featherer
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jacob Featherer
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Bobby Fortanely
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Joshua Gang
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Cody Gavigan
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Lanae Glover
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jonathan Griswold
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Steve Guillerm
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Trevor Gulley
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Erik Halverson
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Liz Hare
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Chris Harris
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Dan Hill
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jacob Hochbaum
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Paul Holbrook
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Chad Horton
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Tony Houst
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Dan Huber
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jeffrey Huber
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Io Hughto
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Anthony Hullings
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Olivier Jansen
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jonathan Jones
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Nathaniel Jordan
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Joe Kaiser
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Christopher Kane
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jonah Kellman
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Arnold Kester
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Brogan King
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Corwin Knight
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Abby Kraycar
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
John Kuzniak
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Matthew Lagarenne
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Lawrence Lam
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Rebecca Lawrence
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Dylan Lesnewski
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jordan Levitan
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Bryan Li
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Patrick Liu
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Alex Lloyd
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Sean Love
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Timothy Mack
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Ian Marcellana
Uncertified | Staff |
Rich Marin
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Ellen McManis
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Gilbert Medeiros
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Patrick Meunier
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Ryan Michalak
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Ashley Miller
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Maxwell Molinari
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Thaddeus Moriarty
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Eddie Mountney
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Kaylee Mullins
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Erik Mulvaney
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Sam Nathanson
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jacob Orsini
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Bryan Paduano
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Schuyler Panner
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Brian Paskoff
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Adam Pin
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Myles Pirro
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Rusty Potter
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Tate Prodigalidad
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Elliot Raff
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Paul Reisinger
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Dylan Rippe
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jeff Rodgers
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
David Rubenstein
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Christopher Rumore
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Griffin Russell
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Rick Salamin
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
James Sanderson
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Adam Schop
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
David Scopac
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jennifer Scott
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Ilan Seid-Green
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Kush Singhal
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Eric Smith
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Adrian St. John
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Eden Stadelman
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Steven Staff
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Craig Stambaugh
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Ray Starpoli
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Joseph Stempo
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Amanda Stevens
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Tyrik Strachan
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Michael Stromley
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Kevin Su
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Leandro Taveras
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Kyle Taylor
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Brian Thomas
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Daniel Villamizar
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Zach Vivian
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Addi W
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Austin Walker
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
John Weldin
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Chris Wendelboe
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Justin Wisniewski
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Alexandra Yang
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Matthew Zielinski
Uncertified | Floor Judge |