Grand Prix Montreal 2016 (Judge)

Organizer: Spellkeeper Events
Judge manager: Rick Salamin
Event type: Grand Prix
REL: Competitive/Professional (GP)
Format: Sealed Deck
Event date(s): July 29, 2016-July 31, 2016
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Venue: Palais des Congrès de Montréal
1001 Place Jean-Paul-Riopelle
Montréal, Quebec, H2Z 1H5, Canada
Applications accepted through: May 17, 2016

Event Information

Application window has been extended to May 17th.  If you have already applied and need a status update prior to May 17th please reach out to Rick.

On behalf of Game Keeper Online & Spellkeeper Events, I'd like to thank you for your interest in judging at Grand Prix Montréal.

In an effort to help make attending Grand Prix Montréal possible for as many Judges as possible from all parts of Canada, and beyond, there are a few changes from our prior events. 
Please read this entire application thoroughly.

Applications for Grand Prix Montréal close on Tuesday May 17th (originally May 1st) with final acceptances being posted soon after.  Early applications will be reviewed before this deadline and may be accepted sooner.  If early acceptance would help you in your plans please let us know.  Additionally please do not plan non-refundable travel until you have been accepted to the event.

The Head Judge for Grand Prix Montréal is Carlos Ho.  



Judging is fun, but it’s also a lot of work. While working, judges may be expected to help with the following, and more:

-     Providing great customer service 
-     Taking Judge calls
-     Crowd control
-     Venue setup and teardown 
      (tables, chairs, table cloths, pairings boards, table numbers, etc)
-     Picking up garbage
-     Pushing in chairs
-     Attending to artists
-     Other event needs assigned by your team leader or staff member


Dress code:
All Judge and Staff members are expected to dress professionally throughout the weekend. 

Judges are expected to wear the button down Magic Judges shirt, black pants with a black belt, black socks and shoes.

Remember that you are representing the judge program, the tournament organizer, and most importantly yourself.  Please put your best foot forward with your uniform and personal hygiene.

Spellkeeper Events will require an invoice from each staff member reflecting the services provided by that staff member. These invoices will be created on your behalf and reviewed when receiving final compensation.  If you have questions or concerns about this please reach out to Mauro to discuss if alternatives are available to you.

Booster Pack compensation for Grand Prix Montréal will be Eldritch Moon.

You may elect to convert any or all of your CAD compensation into store credit with a 30% bonus.  Store credit can be used to purchase singles, sealed product, and more at the GameKeeper booth.  Advance orders can also be arranged and should be done directly with Mauro. 

Please ensure your Judge level is current in Judge Apps when applying for this event as your selection and subsequently compensation will be based on this level.  If your level should change between your application submission and the start of the event we can't guarantee a change in compensation.

Full Sponsorship:
Base Compensation:
All Judges will earn the following compensation, based on level, per day worked 

Level 1 Judges: One Booster Box & $50 CAD.
Level 2 Judges: One Booster Box & $275 CAD.
Level 3+ Judges: One Booster Box & $450 CAD.

$20 CAD per day will be provided at the beginning of the weekend to help with meals.  The remainder will be at the end of your last shift.

Extended Saturday Shift:
Saturday of a Grand Prix can be a challenge to staff appropriately.  To that end we are looking for a small number of Judges who are interested in working an extended shift.  This extended shift is expected to be equivalent to working the entire day of the Grand Prix main event from the AM shift staff meeting through the end of Round 9.

Level 2 Judges: +48 Boosters (1.25 Box)
Level 3 Judges: +90 Boosters (2.5 Box)

Travel Stipend:
We realize that the further you have to travel to get to an event generally results in more expenses.  We are pleased to announce that all Level 2 or higher Judges selected to be on staff are qualified for a Travel Stipend based on their one way travel distance to Montreal.  One travel stipend per Judge per weekend.

Radius map of 700 km from Montreal.

L2+ traveling more than 700km – 1 Booster Box
L2+ traveling more than 4500km (non North American Judges) – 3 Booster Boxes

Thursday & Sunday Needs
On Thursday we will need help pre-registering Sealed Pools and setting up the hall.  Pool registration will earn 1.5 boosters per pool accurately completed.  

On Thursday and Sunday we will need a few volunteers to help setup or tear down the Event Kit and hall.  We will know more about these logistics as we get closer to the event. 


Judges may also choose to apply for Standby or be added as Standby if declined during primary acceptances.  Standby Judges can be activated at any time to a Sponsored Judge and would receive the same compensation as described above.  If a Standby Judge is activated within 14 days of the event they will receive one Booster Box per day worked in addition to the compensation described above.

Judges scheduled as Standby should come prepared to Judge each day they are scheduled for.  Standby Judges not activated to work are eligible for free entry into Grand Prix Montréal.

Hotel accommodations aren't included in Judge compensation plans for Grand Prix Montréal. 

Information on coordinated hotel blocks is located here and in the files section of the event.

Regardless of this we encourage you to make a refundable hotel reservation as soon as possible as Montreal is hosting the Osheaga Music Festival on the same weekend.

Staff and Scorekeeper Positions:
This application is for Judge Roles only.  If you are interested in filling a staff role please apply in the (Admin) application.  If you are interested in either role or a mix of roles please apply in both applications.


Judge Shirts:
If you need a Judge shirt for this event you must note it with your initial application.


Contact Us: 
Mauro Bongiovanni - Tournament Organizer -
Rick Salamin - Event Manager -


Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Abraham Corson
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Jon Goud
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Joe Klopchic
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
David Larrea
Level 5 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Khanh Le Thien
Level 5 (International Judge Program) France Floor Judge
Mikaël Rabie
Level 5 (International Judge Program) France Floor Judge
Riccardo Tessitori
Level 5 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Steven Zwanger
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Florian Horn
Level 4 (International Judge Program) France Floor Judge
Kyle Ryc
Level 4 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Daniel Sole Garcia
Level 4 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Raymond Fong
Level 3 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Robert Hinrichsen
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Jacen Simon
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Jordan Baker
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Scorekeeper
Sierra Black
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Standby
Andrew Blizzard
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Mauro Bongiovanni
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Tournament Organizer
Sergio García
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Sam Hung
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Western Provinces Floor Judge
Daniel Jackson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Leonardo Martins
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Staff
Chris McGuire
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Eli Meyer
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Eric Paré
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Georges Rehak
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Josue Rodriguez
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Floor Judge
Luca Romano
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Nick Sirman
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Emilien Wild
Level 2 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Floor Judge
Patrick Wong
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Antonio Zanutto
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Floor Judge
Alice Araujo
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Scorekeeper
Julien Laronde
Level 1 (International Judge Program) France Floor Judge
Philippe Monlevade
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Floor Judge
Louis Annino
Uncertified USA - Northeast Standby
Zachary Apony
Uncertified USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Josee Barrette
Uncertified None Staff
Sam Barrows
Uncertified USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Jeremy Blackwell
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Quentin Boussardon
Uncertified France Floor Judge
Casey Brefka
Uncertified USA - South Central Floor Judge
Kris Burningham
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Standby
Matteo Callegari
Uncertified Italy and Malta Head Judge
Brendan Capel
Uncertified Canada - Western Provinces Floor Judge
Uncertified France Floor Judge
Christopher Chop
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Mike Clark
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Maël Cournoyer-Michel
Uncertified None Floor Judge
Benjamin Coursey
Uncertified USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Adam Cousins
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Ryan Darris
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Scorekeeper
Tom Davis
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Kevin Desprez
Uncertified France Staff
Joshua Dingman
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Gavin Duggan
Uncertified None Floor Judge
Jeffrey Emery
Uncertified USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Lamberto Franco
Uncertified Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Darren Gamble
Uncertified Canada - Western Provinces Floor Judge
Nicolas Glik
Uncertified Iberia Scorekeeper
David Guteša
Uncertified Europe - East Floor Judge
Carlos Ho
Uncertified Latin America Head Judge
Scott Jenkins
Uncertified None Floor Judge
Adam Jennings
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Ferran Jovell Megias
Uncertified Iberia Standby
Benjamin Klein
Uncertified USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Emily Klopchic (Blasdell)
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Staff
Abby Kraycar
Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
David Lachance-Poitras
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Chris Lansdell
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Megan Linscott
Uncertified USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Tiago Lopes
Uncertified Iberia Floor Judge
Jason Malott
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Rick Miles
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Scott Neiwert
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Trenten Novak
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Jerome Pagola
Uncertified France Floor Judge
Stephen Phung
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Elliot Raff
Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Rick Salamin
Uncertified USA - Northeast Judge Manager
Marc Saumur
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Samantha Short
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Gregory Titov
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Gerard Trpin
Uncertified France Floor Judge
William Van Veen
Uncertified None Floor Judge
Lyle Waldman
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Jason Wong
Uncertified Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge