Great Lakes Regional Judge Conference July 2016

Organizer: Great Lakes Region
Judge manager: Heidi Dixon
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: No Format
Event date(s): July 9, 2016
Location: Garden City, Michigan, United States
Venue: Pandemonium Games & Hobbies
6033 Middle Belt Rd
Garden City, MI 48135
Applications accepted through: June 8, 2016

Event Information

UPDATE: If you cannot attend please contact us at !

The new Great Lakes region is excited to invite you all to our first Regional Judge Conference! This conference will be held on Saturday, July 9th, 2016 at Pandemonium Games & Hobbies in Garden City, MI. We plan to host a mixture of both traditional presentations and workshop-style presentations on a variety of topics related to Magic Judging. Applications for this conference are open to all judges, so please join us for a day of camaraderie and learning.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about the conference please contact the Conference Organizer Heidi Sitten at

How to Register

If you are interested in attending this event, simply click the "Apply Now!" button above. We will accept applications continuously, so that attendees can quickly gain access to the event forums. We expect the forums to be a helpful resource for coordinating travel and hotel plans with other judges.

All are welcome to attend, including uncertified judges and judges from regions outside the Great Lakes! If you know an uncertified judge who is planning to attend, please encourage them to register for the event via JudgeApps so they can receive updates and information about the event. While uncertified judges are not eligible to receive foils, we wish to ensure an accurate headcount. If an application through JudgeApps is not immediately possible, please contact Heidi Sitten at with names and email address of anyone who wishes to attend.

Attendance Capacity & Foils!

As a thank you to the judge program, Wizards of the Coast allows us to offer attendees a selection of promotional foil cards, proportional to the number of seminars attended. However, conference policy limits us to requesting a maximum of 150 sets of foils. To qualify to receive foils you must meet the following criteria:

Based on past conference attendance, it is possible that we will reach the attendance cap. Applications for this event will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. For these reasons we encourage you to apply as early as possible to ensure your spot! An accepted application confirms we have room for you at this conference. If you have applied and been accepted, but will be unable to attend, please email us at so that we may offer the slot to another judge. 

Foils will be distributed at the end of the event and attendees are expected to provide feedback on the presentations they attend in order to receive foils.

If the attendance cap is reached, we will place an update at the top of this solicitation. We will continue to post updates as space opens up.


We are looking for a group of engaging, effective presenters to help make our conference a success. Positions are available for up to 8 traditional presentations and up to 8 workshop presentations. We are seeking high-quality presenters who will push the envelope and interact as well as educate. Most presentations will be given an audience of between 20 to 40 judges. Depending on attendance and application feedback, some presenters may be asked to present twice in order to allow all interested attendees to see their presentations.

If you are interested in presenting, please email Heidi Sitten at as soon as possible, but no later than Saturday, June 4th. Your proposal should include: 

Previous experience is not a requirement to present. First time presenters are welcome! 


Testing for both L1 and L2 will be available at this conference. 

We can only guarantee you'll be tested if we know you want to test! If you wish to test or know a candidate who wants to test, please contact us at and we will put you in touch with one of our testing coordinators.

***L2 CANDIDATES*** (including those from other regions): In addition to emailing us & in order to ensure your pretesting requirements are fulfilled and provide our testing coordinators with the information they will need to issue your test, please fill out the Great Lakes Level 2 application found here:  



Our preliminary schedule is as follows. A more detailed schedule will be posted to the forums once it is finalized.

10:00-10:30 Sign-In & Networking

10:30-10:45 Welcome

11:00-12:15 Block A

12:30-13:45 Block B


15:00-16:15 Block C

16:30-17:45 Block D

18:00-19:00 L3/RC Panel


A judge dinner will be arranged for those interested after the event. Location TBD.

Travel Plans

A comprehensive travel guide will be posted in the forums to help everyone plan to attend this conference.

HELP WANTED!!!//Conference Staff

Interested in helping out the conference but not in presenting? Please contact us at if you are interested in any of the following roles!

Staff Photographers - We need 1 to 2 people interested in taking photos.

Travel Guide - An intrepid individual is needed to collect and post information about local hotels, restaurants, entertainment and travel routes.

Testing Coordinators - We need L2 and L3 judges willing to coordinate L1 and L2 testing.

Greeters/Sign In Desk/Foil Distribution - schedule handout, name tags, welcome packet, and foil distribution.

Conference Aide - Help with setup before and breakdown after conference. Introducing presenters, helping presenters with logistical & technological needs, making sure things go smoothly. Feedback collection.


Contact Information

Questions? Suggestion? Let us know! Feel free to email us for any reason at:

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
John Alderfer
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee
Marcos Sanchez
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Attendee
Zeke Davis
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Adam Eidelsafy
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Presenter
Nick Gajary
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Attendee
Aaron Hammer
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Patrick Nelson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Brian Rapp
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Presenter
James Risner
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - South Central Attendee
Peter Brabant
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southeast Attendee
Joe Crawford
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Leorio Diaz
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Steven Verheyn
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Attendee
Joshua Wiltse
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Donivan Abraham
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Justin Aiello
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
John Alexander
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Dave Bartlett
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Meg Baum
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Presenter
Jimmy Brandlein
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Devon Brown
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Bernd Buldt
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Presenter
Russell Busch
Uncertified USA - Northeast Attendee
Christopher Byrne
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Carmen Campbell
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Alison Chambers
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Jason Chance
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Patrick Cobley
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Spencer Cole
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Presenter
Gabriel Cruz
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
James Darrow
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Zachary DeLadurantaye
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Heidi Dixon
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Judge Manager
Andrew Doyle
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Patrick Dreyer
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Arthur Edson
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
David Elden
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Presenter
Michael Ellingson
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Marie Emonds
Uncertified USA - Northeast Attendee
Sean Fancher
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Daniel Francke
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Tyler Frauhiger
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Thomas Frawley
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Rick Garnaat
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Dylan Goings
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
John Goodman
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Patrick Green
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Ethan Greenberger
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Kevin Guinn
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
daniel hall
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Dominick Hanel
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Nick Hastings
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Robert Havey
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Tim Heckaman
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Clint Herron
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Chelsea Hogan
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Rory Horan
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Nathan Hudson
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Ryan Hughes
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
andrew iwamasa
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Robert Jelf
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Mark Jenkins
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Attendee
Jake Kindsvogel
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
John Kmiecik
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Staff
Jason Kohnert
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Trenton Lemon
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Bradly Linville
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Benjamin Lurie
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Jake Maheu
Uncertified None Attendee
Scott Markwart
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Jesse Meiring
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Andy Moore
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Ashlee Moran
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Devin Morrow
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Alex Morse
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Kyle Nichols
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Trenten Novak
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Joshua Ohlendorf
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Tim Pass
Uncertified USA - South Central Attendee
Torrance PeLong
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Jeremy Plesco
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Cris Plyler
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Bryant Pruitt
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Larry Ramirez
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
David Rappaport
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Staff
Matt Rasmussen
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Nicholas Rausch
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Craig Reeder
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Justin Rentz
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Shae Rivard
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Austin Robbins
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Elianora Rose
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Matt Sauers
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Zack Schmidt
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Josh Schnepp
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Steven Sears
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Dru Sepulveda
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Frank Singel
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Attendee
Raymond Smith
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Attendee
Alexander Smith
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Josh Stothers
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Alexander Strange
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Ben Sturtz
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
John Temple
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Staff
Jeremy Toma-Cooper
Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Attendee
Benjamin Topping
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Travis Traxler
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Charles Trepod
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Peyton Turner
Uncertified USA - Southwest Attendee
Dean Valenti
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Christopher Walton
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Karl Weisling
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Presenter
Mason Whitlark
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Hank Wiest
Uncertified USA - Northeast Attendee
Tyler Wilcox
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Jarrod Williams
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Staff
Joe Winiarski
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Nathan Young
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee