Grand Prix Portland 2016

Organizer: Cascade Games LLC
Judge manager: Kyle Knudson
Event type: Grand Prix
REL: Competitive/Professional (GP)
Format: Standard
Event date(s): Aug. 12, 2016-Aug. 14, 2016
Location: Portland, Oregon, United States
Venue: Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, OR 97232
Applications accepted through: May 31, 2016

Event Information

On behalf of Cascade Games LLC, I want to thank you for your interest in working at Grand Prix Portland 2016! The dates for this event are August 12-14, 2016. Please be sure to read the entire application carefully before applying.

The application window closes on Tuesday May 31, 2016.


This application covers all event needs, including judging, scorekeeping, prize wall, customer service, set-up, breakdown, VIP concierge, and registration. If you are selected for staff, you may be asked to do any or all of the following:



You may send any questions regarding the above information specifically or your application in general to or


If you are selected for staff, please check the forum periodically for important news.


Tangible Benefits For You

All staff members will receive the following:

1x GP Portland JUDGE Playmat


Each Staff member will also receive:

L1: $175 per day

L2: $275 per day

L3: $375 per day


Saturday Extended Shift

In an effort to continue evolving the Grand Prix experience we are seeking out judges who would like to work the full nine rounds of the Main Event.  This will allow us to have more stability for the judge staff, create a more consistent experience for players, and offer some of you the opportunity to make more over the course of the weekend.  If you are interested in this opportunity, please indicate so on your application. The additional compensation for the extended Saturday shift is:

L1: +$50

L2: +$100

L3: +$200


If you inidicate interest the Saturday Extended Shift and are selected for the event, you will be informed as to whether you will have the Saturday Extended Shift at the time of your selection so that you can make an informed decision regarding your ability to join us at the event.


Status types

You may apply for one or both statuses: Confirmed or Standby.

Please apply for all status types you will accept. If you select both Confirmed and Standby, we will consider you for Confirmed staff first. If you select Confirmed but do not select Standby, we will not consider you for Standby.



Please note that all staff members are independent contractors and will be required to complete U.S. tax paperwork prior to beginning their shift. 


The I-9 form is only required once; however, the remaining paperwork is required for each Cascade Games LLC Grand Prix, even if you have previously completed these forms for Cascade Games LLC.



We will have hotel block(s) at nearby hotel(s).  More details will be posted as they become available.



If you have any questions about any part of this please contact either or


Thank you, and we hope to see you at Grand Prix Portland 2016!


Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
John Alderfer
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Stephan Classen
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Brook Gardner-Durbin
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Joe Klopchic
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Travis Lauro
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Western Provinces Floor Judge
Daniel Lee
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
John Brian McCarthy
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Eliana Rabinowitz
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Steven Zwanger
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Ward Warren
Level 4 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Brandon Welch
Level 4 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Ryan Wood
Level 4 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Andrew Goulart
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
James Do Hung Lee
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Matt Marheine
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Floor Judge
Vicente Davis
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Charles Ferguson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Davis Gibson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Billy Gilmore
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Joe Kavanagh
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Staff
Nathan Long
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Southwest Floor Judge
Peter Richmond
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
David Zimet
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Christian Aguilar
Level 1 (International Judge Program) USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Chris Wong
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Blake Andersen
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
James Anderson
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Zachary Anderson
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Nicolette Apraez
Uncertified USA - Southeast Floor Judge
Riva Arecol
Uncertified USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Michael Arrowsmith
Uncertified USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Brandon Arsenault
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Zachary Bange
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Meg Baum
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Ken Bearl
Uncertified USA - Plains Standby
Zenaide Beckham
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
James Bennett
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Katie Bishop
Uncertified USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Brittney Blumenthal
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Cody Brown
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Erik Brown
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
John Carter
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Staff
Sean Catanese
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Head Judge
Frank Chafe
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Angela Chandler
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Adena Chernosky
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Ralph Colby
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Stephen "Jack" Cummings
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Ryan Darris
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Chris Davis
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Marc DeArmond
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Nicola DiPasquale
Uncertified Japan Floor Judge
Jess Dunks
Uncertified USA - Southeast Floor Judge
Louis Duvoisin
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Finn Ellis
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Jeremy Fain
Uncertified USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Oren Firestein
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Ashley Flaherty
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Aaron Ford
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Xander Forral
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Dane Frank
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Joel Goggin
Uncertified USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Mike Goodman
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Kayla Goulart
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Arthur Halavais
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Dawna Havnar
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Caitlyn Hebert
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Mark Hensley
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Chris Higashi
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Jeff S Higgins
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Eric Hoser
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Shawn Jamison
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Matthew Johnson
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Jordan Johnston
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Brian Keaton
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Alex Kelemen
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Kyle Knudson
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Staff
Greg Lauro
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Kathryn Lee
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Erin Leonard
Uncertified USA - Southwest Floor Judge
Jessica Livingston
Uncertified USA - Southwest Floor Judge
Stefan Mackiewicz
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Jordan McQueen
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Cassidy Melczak
Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Nathen Millbank
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
John Mills
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Anson Miyamoto
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Tristin Motes
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Scott Neiwert
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Jason Ness
Uncertified Canada - Western Provinces Floor Judge
Ken Nichols
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Phillip Painter
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Jamie Pallviny-Brown
Uncertified None Staff
Elizabeth Peloquin
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Staff
Gregory Peloquin
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Jeff Phillips
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Scorekeeper
Kori Redman
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
James Ribe
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Liz Richardson
Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Robert Riley
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Zach Robinson
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Spin Rodriguez
Uncertified USA - Southwest Floor Judge
Nick Rzeczkowski
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Floor Judge
Joseph Sapp
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Chris Schafer
Uncertified USA - Plains Floor Judge
Andrej Selivra
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Tim Shields
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Tournament Organizer
Niko Skartvedt
Uncertified Canada - Western Provinces Floor Judge
Kendra Staver
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Erik Svilich
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Ben Yan Hao Tai
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Craig Teppert
Uncertified USA - Southwest Floor Judge
Ronald Thompson
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Jeremy Toma-Cooper
Uncertified USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Miki Urban
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Jeffrey Vandenberg
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Jeffrey Venturino
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Nathan Wang
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Morgan Wesley
Uncertified USA - Pacific Northwest Floor Judge
Joe Wiesenberg
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge