Grand Prix Santiago 2016

Organizer: Jorge Peñailillo
Judge manager: Mario Alexander De La Carrera
Event type: Grand Prix
REL: Competitive/Professional (GP)
Format: Standard
Event date(s): Oct. 28, 2016-Oct. 30, 2016
Location: Santiago de Chile, Chile
Venue: Gran Palace
Huérfanos 1178, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile
Applications accepted through: Aug. 1, 2016

Event Information


Santiago ha sido elegido por cuarta ocasión consecutiva para ser parte de la historia del Magic en Latinoamérica, y los necesitamos a Ustedes para escribir otra página.

La organización ha estimado una concurrencia de entre 800 a 1.000 personas, en el GP y más de 500 en los eventos públicos, por lo que se está haciendo todo lo posible para asegurar un torneo con alto estándar.

Buscamos a los mejores jueces, para sacar adelante un torneo de excelencia; esto implica trabajar duro, superar complicaciones, ser parte del equipo.  


El periodo de postulación estará abierto desde el 5/Junio/2016 hasta el 01/Agosto/2016. Los resultados serán entregados 11/Agosto/2016.

Buscamos jueces para cubrir los siguientes días de torneos:


Esperamos la realización de un gran número de eventos públicos como: 8-man Draft o Standard, Torneos Abierto de Legacy, Modern, Sealed, 2HG, etc. Además se ha presupuestado realizar eventos nocturnos, y esperamos contar con su apoyo.

Compensación y Beneficios

Entendemos el esfuerzo que los jueces hacen para ser parte del evento, por lo mismo se ha dispuesto lo siguiente en términos de compensación y beneficios:





Se le dará prioridad a los jueces que viajen de fuera del país para trabajar el día viernes, para que puedan solventar de mejor forma el viaje.


Nuevamente la organización entregará sponsorship de alojamiento a los jueces aceptados que lo soliciten en su aplicación.

El beneficio consiste en alojamiento:


Alimentación y Traslados

Se entregará un viatico por concepto de alimentación en los días del torneo y el transporte. Además se mantendrán acceso a alimentación y líquidos durante el torneo.

Actividades Extras 

Durante el fin de semana del GP se realizarán distintas actividades, tanto de la Comunidad de Jueces, como de parte de la Organización; a lo menos se contempla:

Vestimenta y presentación


Presentacion personal acorde al torneo y la vestimenta debe ser la camisa negra de juez, pantalón negro, cinturón y zapatos del mismo color que las prendas anteriores. Si se desea, se puede utilizar una camiseta negra bajo la camisa. (Si no tiene Camisa de Juez, avisar en la carta de presentación).


Si tienen alguna consulta, enviar un mail 


English Version



Santiago has been chosen for fourth time in a row to be part of the Magic Latam History, and thus we need you to write another page of it!

The organization has estimated an attendance between 800 to 1000 players in the main event, and more than 500 public events, so our expectation is to have high standards for this event.


We are looking for the best Judges for this event, this means hardworker judges able to overcome adversary situations.


application windows for this event is from July 5<sup>th</sup> until Agust 1rst . Results will be published at 11<sup>th</sup> augus.


we expect a high amount of publics events such as 8-player drafts or constructed, Legacy, modern, sealed, 2hg, and so on. In addition to night events.


Compensation and benefits

we understand the effort that Judges made to be part of this event, so we strive to the best conditions and terms:



Judges traveling from outside chile will be priority to work friday.Ñ


Once again the staff will provide lodging sponsorship to accepted judges that notifies this fact

Lodging chart:

If you need an additional night at the event venue, we can help you to arrang a reservation ( two bed room for an additional $133 per night in the building of the hotel

Food and transport

we will offer viatic based on food in worked days and local transportation to the event venue. In addition you will provide full stipend of meals during the event.

Extra activities

During the GP Weekend we will arrange different activities, such as:

Clothing and presentation
According to tournament dress and personal presentation should be the judge black shirt, black pants, belt and shoes the same color as the above items. If desired, you can use a black shirt under his shirt. (If no Judge Shirt, notify the letter).


If you have any questions, send an email



Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Julio Sosa
Level 5 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Riccardo Tessitori
Level 5 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Alejandro Raggio
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Latin America Head Judge
Nemesio Alejandro Bolaños Gutiérrez
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Juan Del Compare
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Federico Donner
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Adrian Estoup
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Daniel Gallegos
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Agustín Mopty
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Jose Nazareno
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Joaquín Ossandón
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Pablo Paolo
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Carlos Rangon
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Floor Judge
Esteban Vasquez
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Alejandro Vazquez
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Diego Zarate
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Brazil Floor Judge
Lucas Horta
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Floor Judge
Hiroshi Itani
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Japan Floor Judge
Jorge Lopez Morales
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Carlos Maripangui
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Janit Mindis
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Philippe Monlevade
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Brazil Floor Judge
Andres Moro
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Daniel Ojcius
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Michael Salas
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Latin America Floor Judge
Roberto Alvarado
Uncertified Latin America Staff
Joaquin Arismendi
Uncertified Latin America Floor Judge
Saul Arreola
Uncertified Latin America Staff
Eduardo Beraldo
Uncertified Brazil Floor Judge
Brian Bradshaw
Uncertified USA - Southeast Floor Judge
Matteo Callegari
Uncertified Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Hernán Cámara
Uncertified Latin America Staff
Nils Campos
Uncertified Latin America Staff
Ignacio Agustin Costarelli
Uncertified Latin America Floor Judge
Mario Alexander De La Carrera
Uncertified Latin America Judge Manager
Rafael Dei Svaldi
Uncertified Brazil Floor Judge
Cristián Droguett
Uncertified Latin America Scorekeeper
Felipe Elgueta
Uncertified Latin America Staff
Diego Antonio Hernández Meruane
Uncertified Latin America Floor Judge
Rene Herrera
Uncertified Latin America Floor Judge
Jaime Herrera
Uncertified Latin America Staff
Damián Hiller
Uncertified Latin America Floor Judge
Carlos Ho
Uncertified Latin America Floor Judge
Eleazar Magnere
Uncertified Latin America Staff
Oscar Joaquin Mendez Ruiz
Uncertified Latin America Scorekeeper
Luiz Michielli
Uncertified Brazil Staff
Jose Miño
Uncertified Latin America Floor Judge
Christian Navarro
Uncertified Latin America Staff
Claudio Martín Nieva Scarpatti
Uncertified Latin America Floor Judge
Jorge Antonio Peñailillo Monckeberg
Uncertified Latin America Tournament Organizer
Santiago Prieto
Uncertified Latin America Floor Judge
Jose Quinteros
Uncertified Latin America Staff
Carlos Rada
Uncertified Latin America Floor Judge
Nicolas Rosa
Uncertified Latin America Staff
Barry Swan
Uncertified Latin America Floor Judge
Alejandro Van Mourik
Uncertified Latin America Floor Judge
Yukio Victoria
Uncertified Latin America Floor Judge