SCG Fall Regionals Worcester, Hosted by TJ Collectibles

Organizer: TJ Collectibles
Judge manager: Gilbert Medeiros
Event type: Star City Games Tour
REL: Competitive
Format: Standard
Event date(s): Oct. 15, 2016
Location: Worcester , Massachusetts, United States
Venue: DCU Center
50 Foster St
Worcester MA
Applications accepted through: Sept. 19, 2016

Event Information

Greetings Judges!

On behalf of TJ Collectibles, it's my pleasure to announce the StarCityGames Regional Championships in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Your Head Judge is Rob Castellon

We're looking for a total of 6 floor judges and 2 standby's for this event.

Floor Judge compensation for this event will be as follows:

Level 1 Judges will receive $80 or a Booster Box

Level 2 Judges will receive $120 or $40 + a Booster Box

Level 3 Judges will be compensated accordingly.  Please email if you are interested in applying

Judges on standby will receive free entry into the event if they are not activated.  As such, please only apply for standby if you are intending on coming to the event, regardless of activation.

Please note that this compensation is based on working the full shift.  If you are unable to complete your shift then compensation may be adjusted accordingly.

Judges at TJ Collectibles Events are expected to prepare for each event by reviewing the Comprehensive Rules, Magic Tournament Rules, Infraction Procedure Guide, and Judging at Regular REL documents. As representatives of TJ Collectibles and the Magic Judge Program, judges are expected to behave in a professional manner at all times.

Judges are expected to arrive on time for the start of their shift. This event will begin at 10:00 AM.  This means that call time will be 8:30 AM.  This will give us plenty of time to make last minute corrections to the venue, as well as register players.  Also, if you anticipate being unable to arrive by 8:30 am please make note of that in your application.

Judges should be in standard Magic Judge Program attire of Official Magic Judge shirt, black pants or skirt, black belt, and comfortable black shoes. If you are unsure about the uniform, the target to aim for is essentially business casual attire.  Please, no black jeans.  During breaks, or any other time that a judge is off duty, judges should remove, or cover, their Judge shirt.

The application window will close on September 19th. Any questions regarding this event can be directed to me at

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to working with you!

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Elliot Raff
Level 4 (Judge Foundry) USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Joe Kaiser
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Andy Parris
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Northeast Standby
Jason Riendeau
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Matt Stone
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Joshua Campbell
Uncertified USA - Northeast Floor Judge
Rob Castellon
Uncertified USA - Northeast Head Judge
Gilbert Medeiros
Uncertified USA - Northeast Judge Manager
Tom Shea
Uncertified USA - Northeast Tournament Organizer