Grand Prix Barcelona 2017 (by

Organizer: (by
Judge manager: Johanna Virtanen
Event type: Grand Prix
REL: Competitive/Professional (GP)
Format: Standard
Event date(s): March 10, 2017-March 12, 2017
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Venue: Fira Barcelona Montjuic
Avinguda de la Reina Maria Cristina, s/n
08908 Barcelona
Applications accepted through: Dec. 27, 2016

Event Information

Please read the below information carefully as our compensation scheme has changed from 2016.


New brand name

In 2017, we'll organize our Grand Prix under the brandname of "" , instead of The company name is; it will be on the contracts, and it will be used for our platform (for multiple games and organizers). To let people get used to it, we'll use " (by" in the beginning of 2017.



All staff members are expected to perform their duties in a professional manner that reflects positively on the rest of the event staff, and Wizards of the Coast. We expect you to have fun, be professional and contribute to a great atmosphere for everyone to be in.


In addition to making rulings, judges can be asked to assist with event logistics, such as managing lines, pushing chairs, picking up trash, handing out prizes.


We expect every staff members to dress professionally throughout the event weekend and hold up their personal hygiene . A black attire (black Magic Judge shirt, black pants, shoes and belt) is required for judges and staff clothing will be provided for staff members. If you do not have a  judge shirt, one will be provided for you (we will take orders after we have selected judges). Staff members and judges are expected to wear their badges when on duty and when entering the venue.


We aim to provide visitors to this Grand Prix an excellent experience. Therefore we expect all to staff members to have read the Event Staff FAQ and be able to relate all information it contains. We also have planned a mandatory TO briefing on Friday evening or Saturday morning before the start of your shift, handling topics such as security and customer service.




You may apply for one to three days, but your application must include Saturday. We may need some people to work Friday-Saturday (or Saturday only), please indicate whether you're available for this.


On Friday, we will need judges for several shifts (start times may be adjusted slightly):


Please indicate your availability for these shifts if applying for Friday.


If applying for Sunday, we expect you to be available until 20:00. Some judges will be needed until about midnight on Sunday. Requests for specific shifts will be accommodated if possible.




We are providing the following daily fees:


L1: 1 box

L2: 135 EUR + 1 box

L3: 220 EUR + 1.5 boxes



For L3 roles that require significant amount of preparation, an additional fee will be offered. Judges selected for these roles will be contacted privately.


Each judge will also receive a main event playmat (judge playmats are not available), sleeve pack and a deckbox. In addition, each judge will receive a drink bottle at the first GP they work for in 2017.


Standby judges


We need some standby judges for this event, including Friday. If selected as standby, you will be expected to come to the event. If not needed as a judge, you will receive 6 side event vouchers (each worth 8 EUR) per day so you can play events. If selected as standby for Saturday, you can play the main event for free instead.


If we activate you as a judge, you will instead receive the normal judge compensation for your level. Activation may happen any time before the event or during the event itself.


Admin roles


We are also looking for admin staff. You can apply either as stage staff (registration, may include some scorekeeping) or customer service (may include info point, prize wall or VIP lounge duties). The compensation for admin shifts is 200 EUR per day.



We will provide food for judges and staff during their shifts.

If you have any allergies or are vegetarian/vegan, please share this with the TO in advance.




Every judge must sign a contract before their first shift. A contract template will be available in the files section of this page soon.






Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Aruna Prem Bianzino
Level 5 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Alfonso Bueno
Level 5 (International Judge Program) Iberia Appeals Judge
David Larrea
Level 5 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Àre Maturana
Level 5 (International Judge Program) France Standby
Sophie Pages
Level 5 (International Judge Program) France Floor Judge
Sergio Perez
Level 5 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Mikaël Rabie
Level 5 (International Judge Program) France Floor Judge
Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez
Level 5 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Floor Judge
Riccardo Tessitori
Level 5 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Maxim Antipov
Level 4 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Emmanuel Gutierrez
Level 4 (International Judge Program) France Floor Judge
Florian Horn
Level 4 (International Judge Program) France Staff
Philip Ockelmann
Level 4 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Floor Judge
Daniel Sole Garcia
Level 4 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Kepa Arrieta
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Sashi Balakrishnan
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Asia Floor Judge
Christian Gawrilowicz
Level 3 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Floor Judge
Lev Kotlyar
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Europe - North Floor Judge
David Lyford-Tilley
Level 3 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Scorekeeper
Alejandro Raggio
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Latin America Appeals Judge
Charlotte Sable
Level 3 (Magic Judges Finland) Europe - North Floor Judge
Johanna Virtanen
Level 3 (Magic Judges Finland) Europe - North Judge Manager
Jurgen Baert
Level 2 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Staff
Oli Bird
Level 2 (International Judge Program) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Staff
Claudi Cisneros Camps
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Alex de Bruijne
Level 2 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Floor Judge
Dustin De Leeuw
Level 2 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Floor Judge
Jack Doyle
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Scorekeeper
Niklas Ek
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Standby
Carlos Fernandez
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Iberia Standby
Patricia Fernández Fuentes
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Iberia Staff
Nick Hall
Level 2 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Stefan Ladstätter-Thaa
Level 2 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Floor Judge
Nelson Mendoza Moral
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Iberia Standby
Gimena Pombo
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Iberia Staff
Sandra Regalado
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Natalia Ruiz Estepa
Level 2 (International Judge Program) France Standby
Michele Vianello
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Staff
Emilien Wild
Level 2 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Floor Judge
Jorge Almeida
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Iberia Standby
Georgi Benev
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Europe - East Floor Judge
Miguel Calvo
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Iberia Staff
Alexey Chernyshov
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Europe - East Floor Judge
Filipe Fernandes
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Iberia Staff
Ralph Glätsch
Level 1 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Floor Judge
Jason Howlett
Level 1 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Scorekeeper
Julien Laronde
Level 1 (International Judge Program) France Floor Judge
Francisco Jose Plana Caballero
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Iberia Standby
José Luis Rofa
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Pablo Roldán Quintero
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Yuval Tzur
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Europe - East Floor Judge
Witold Waczynski
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Europe - Central Floor Judge
saverio adamo
Uncertified Italy and Malta Staff
Ismael Álvarez Díaz
Uncertified Iberia Standby
Sander Baars
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Staff
Jona Bemindt
Uncertified BeNeLux Staff
Gianluca Bonacchi
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Jonas Breindahl
Uncertified Europe - North Floor Judge
Matteo Callegari
Uncertified Italy and Malta Head Judge
Michael Chamberlain
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Thibaut Clausse
Uncertified BeNeLux Floor Judge
Grant David
Uncertified United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Marion Dupouy
Uncertified France Floor Judge
Jerome Durif
Uncertified France Floor Judge
David Esquinas Sanchez
Uncertified Iberia Standby
Lamberto Franco
Uncertified Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Patrik Fridland
Uncertified Europe - North Floor Judge
Pascal Gemis
Uncertified BeNeLux Staff
Almudena Gómez
Uncertified Iberia Standby
Luís Guimarãis
Uncertified Iberia Floor Judge
Kentaro Guthrie
Uncertified Canada - Western Provinces Floor Judge
Gabor Hegyi
Uncertified Europe - Central Scorekeeper
Ferran Jovell Megias
Uncertified Iberia Standby
Piotr Karpowicz
Uncertified Europe - Central Floor Judge
Wouter Maenhaut
Uncertified BeNeLux Tournament Organizer
Javier Martin Arjona
Uncertified German-speaking countries Floor Judge
Bruno Matos
Uncertified Iberia Standby
Michaël Milis
Uncertified BeNeLux Staff
Miquel Àngel Moya
Uncertified Iberia Standby
Lonneke Onrust
Uncertified BeNeLux Staff
Alexander Papageorgiou
Uncertified Europe - East Standby
Sebastian Pękala
Uncertified Europe - Central Floor Judge
Kaja Pękala
Uncertified Europe - Central Floor Judge
Agustín Ruiz-Escribano Menchén
Uncertified Iberia Staff
Andrea Sciarrotta
Uncertified Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Zoltán Tóth-Bajnóczi
Uncertified Europe - Central Floor Judge
Gerard Trpin
Uncertified France Floor Judge
Niels Viaene
Uncertified BeNeLux Staff
Julien Winter
Uncertified France Scorekeeper