MKM Series Frankfurt 2017
Organizer: | JK Entertainment |
Judge manager: | Philip Ockelmann |
Event type: | MKM Series |
REL: | Competitive |
Format: | Mixed Formats |
Event date(s): | April 28, 2017-May 1, 2017 |
Location: | Frankfurt, Germany |
Venue: | Name: Bürgerhaus Bischofsheim Street: Dörnigheimer Weg 21 City: 63477 Maintal Country: Germany |
Applications accepted through: | March 17, 2017 |
Event Information
Welcome to the MKM Series 2017, second Stop: Frankfurt!
Tournament Fundamentals
The tournament deatils can be found here:
For the Event, we will need two SK's on Saturday and Sunday, and one on Friday and Monday, Headjudges for the main events on all days, as well as Floorjudges (also dependant on Preregistration numbers).
All mainevents are REL Competetive, so knowledge of the IPG is required. L1s are still welcome to apply and will make up a relevant portion of the staff, however, you will need to provide the test ID's and score of your last two policy practice tests.
The Compensation model has changed from 2016.
There are three types of Sponsorship you can apply for: Travel Sponsorship, Volunteer, and Standby.
Standby Judges are expected to show up on all days they are accepted as Standby. They play one Event of their choice per day for free, unless activated. If activated, they are considered Floorjudges and compensated as such.
All Judges working get 1 CU (Compensation Unit) per day worked.
Mainevent Headjudges will get an additional 0.5 CUs per day Headjudging.
Scorekeepers will also get a Hotelroom paid from the day before their first day of working until the day after the last.
Additionally, judges can apply for Travel Sponsorship in blocks of 0.5 CUs; There are approximately 25 CUs of Travel Sponsorship avaliable (also dependant on preregistration numbers).
Applying both for Travel Sponsorship and Volunteer does not decrease your chances of getting Travel Sponsorship, however, you are agreeing to also working without Travel Comp. If you are applying, make sure to answer the question on the amount of CUs you need at least, and would like to receive.
Travel Sponsorships are given out based on prior experience, special skills positive for the event, and with the help of the RCs.
Each CU can be either used as 1 Boosterbox of the most current Set (Amonkhet at the time), or 80€ of Storecredit with JK Entertainment.
Additionally, JK Entertainment will provide Food and Drinks, or monetary compensation based on Food avaliable at the Venue, throughout each day worked, including at least one warm meal.
Additional Information
There will a judge conference on the Friday of MKM Series Frankfurt, which can be found here:
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me directly,
Philip Körte
Judge- and Eventmanager
JK Entertainment
Staff Members
Name |
Level |
Role |
Philip Ockelmann
Level 4 (International Judge Program) | Staff |
Konrad Eibl
Level 3 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
Michael Schöttke
Level 3 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
Daniel Schuster
Level 3 (International Judge Program) | Standby |
Tristan Hof
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Standby |
Lukas Kuhn
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
Stefan Ladstätter-Thaa
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Head Judge |
Patrick Morina
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
Jerzy Sikorski
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
Jochen Frenster
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
Heinrich Schild
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
Max Tiedemann
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
Witold Waczynski
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Head Judge |
Nicole Weber
Level 1 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
saverio adamo
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Markus Bauer
Uncertified | Standby |
Philip Böhm
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Malte Cordts
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Gabor Hegyi
Uncertified | Scorekeeper |
Martin Koehler
Uncertified | Scorekeeper |
Javier Martin Arjona
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Beate Mußhoff
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Dennis Nolting
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Raphael Pistorius
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Andreas Reim
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Sebastian Reinfeldt
Uncertified | Scorekeeper |
Andreu Vidal
Uncertified | Standby |
Juergen Wierz
Uncertified | Floor Judge |