Grand Prix Montreal 2017
Organizer: | Game Keeper / Spellkeeper Events |
Judge manager: | Rick Salamin |
Event type: | Grand Prix |
REL: | Competitive/Professional (GP) |
Format: | Standard |
Event date(s): | May 19, 2017-May 21, 2017 |
Location: | Montreal, Quebec, Canada |
Venue: | Place Bonaventure 800, rue De La Gauchetière O. Montréal, Québec, Canada |
Applications accepted through: | March 27, 2017 |
Event Information
Initial Offers have gone out. As these are accepted we will backfill and then work on Standby offers. 3/27/17
On behalf of Game Keeper Online & Spellkeeper Events, I'd like to thank you for your interest in judging at Grand Prix Montréal.
Applications for Grand Prix Montréal close on Wednesday, March 1st. with final acceptances being posted soon after. Early applications will be reviewed before this deadline and may be accepted sooner. If early acceptance would help you in your plans please let us know. Additionally please do not plan non-refundable travel until you have been accepted to the event.
The Head Judge for Grand Prix Montréal is Kevin Desprez.
Judging is fun, but it’s also a lot of work. While working, judges may be expected to help with the following, and more:
- Providing great customer service
- Taking Judge calls
- Crowd control
- Venue setup and teardown
(tables, chairs, table cloths, pairings boards, table numbers, etc)
- Picking up garbage
- Pushing in chairs
- Attending to artists
- Other event needs to be assigned by your team leader
- Shifts are planned for 11 hours
- As the GP is Standard Constructed there will be one shift for this event each day.
- Side Events will have AM and PM Shifts throughout the weekend.
- If you need to leave before 8pm on Sunday please note it in your application.
- If you have a condition restricting you from doing traditional floor judge duties please note it in your application.
Dress code:
All Judge and Staff members are expected to dress professionally throughout the weekend.
Judges are expected to wear the button down Magic Judges shirt, black pants with a black belt, black socks, and shoes.
Staff members are expected to wear a staff shirt, black pants with a black belt, black socks, and shoes.
Remember that you are representing the judge program, the tournament organizer, and most importantly yourself. Please put your best foot forward with your uniform and personal hygiene.
Spellkeeper Events will require a signed contract from each staff member reflecting the agreement between Spellkeeper Events and the staff member, as an independent contractor, to provide services appropriate to their role at the event. This contract should be reviewed carefully before being signed and returned prior to your first shift. A copy of the contract will be available in the Files Section of the event and the process will be detailed in a forum post soon.
If you have questions or concerns about this please reach out to Mauro to discuss.
Financial compensation for all Canada-based Judges will be via check in CAD. International Judges will have the option to get their check in CAD or in USD equivalent. The exchange rate from CAD to USD will be announced once we are closer to the event.
Booster Pack compensation for Grand Prix Montréal will be English language Amonkhet.
You may elect to convert any or all of your CAD compensation into store credit with a 30% bonus. Store credit can be used to purchase singles, sealed product, and more at the GameKeeper booth. The decision to take Store Credit must be done before the event. A Survey will be done to process requests.
Please ensure your Judge level is current in Judge Apps when applying for this event as your selection and subsequently, compensation will be based on this level. If your level should change between your application acceptance and the start of the event we can't guarantee a change in compensation.
Judge positions for GP Montréal are planned as one or two-day roles. A third day may be offered to Judges based on event needs. If you are interested in a third day please note it in your application questions below. Also note that prep and tear down shifts are not part of the two-day role and thus can be done in addition to your shifts.
Event Compensation:
Judges will earn the following compensation, based on level, per day, worked.
Level 1: One Booster Box & $50 CAD
Level 2: One Booster Box & $275 CAD
Level 3: One Booster Box & $400 CAD
Level 3 Judges with the Grand Prix Head Judge certification will receive an additional $125 per day worked. You may also be asked to be an appeals Judge on Saturday.
All Judges and Staff members will receive a GP Montréal playmat.
Travel Stipend:
We realize that the further you have to travel to get to an event generally results in more expenses. We are pleased to announce that all Level 2 or higher Judges selected to be on staff are qualified for a Travel Stipend based on their one-way travel distance to Montréal. One stipend per Judge regardless of number of days worked.
L2+ traveling more than 2250km – 36 Boosters
L2+ traveling more than 4500km – 108 Boosters
Montreal Radius Map
Red Ring is 2250km, Black Ring is 4500 km.
Prep & Tear Down Shifts
You don’t need to wear Judge attire for these shifts. These shifts can be in done in addition to your one or two-day Judge role.
We expect to need six to ten people to help with venue setup on Thursday afternoon from 1pm to 7pm. Compensation for Thursday is Two Booster Boxes and will be confirmed as we get closer to the event. (Note that this may include physical setup of tables and chairs in the venue)
We also need people who are interested in working Sunday to help tear down and repack the GP kit. You will start the day as a floor Judge at 2PM and transition to tear down when needed. Your shift may last until midnight or later. This work is physical in nature. Individuals on the tear-down shift will be compensated with one Booster Box in addition to the regular level compensation.
Judges may also choose to apply for Standby or be potentially offered Standby if declined during primary acceptances. Standby Judges can be activated at any time to a Sponsored Judge and would receive the same compensation as described above. If a Standby Judge is activated within 14 days of the event they will receive one Booster Box per day worked in addition to the compensation described above.
Judges scheduled as Standby should come prepared to Judge each day they are scheduled for. Judges accepted for a standby role (shows in Judge Apps as Standby) and not activated to work are eligible for free entry into Grand Prix Montréal.
Special rate for GP Montreal Players & Judges
Single or double occupancy: $179/night
Triple or quadruple occupancy: $189*/night
Make your reservation online here
Your can also reserve directly with Marriott by phone:
*The online registration will automatically show $30 per additional person (for 3rd and/or 4th person), but the price will be manually adjusted at check-in.
Staff and Side Events Scorekeeper Positions:
We have a limited need for staff and/or scorekeeper positions. If you are interested in one of these roles (Prize Wall, Info Booth, Registration, or Side Events Scorekeeper) please apply here and select the role or roles you are interested in.
Compensation for these roles starts as advertised for your Judge Level, where applicable, paired with experience and final role.
If you are trying to apply for an admin role, aren't a certified Judge, and don't have a Judge Apps account please reach out directly to Rick to discuss potential roles.
Judge Shirts:
If you need a Judge shirt for this event you must note it on your initial application.
Contact Us:
Mauro Bongiovanni - Tournament Organizer -
Rick Salamin - Event Manager -
Staff Members
Name |
Level |
Role |
John Alderfer
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Abraham Corson
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Jon Goud
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Riccardo Tessitori
Level 5 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
Steven Zwanger
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) | Scorekeeper |
Florian Horn
Level 4 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
Kyle Ryc
Level 4 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Marco Boccalari
Level 3 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
Robert Hinrichsen
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Jacen Simon
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) | Standby |
Jurgen Baert
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Team Lead |
Jordan Baker
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Scorekeeper |
Sierra Black
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Mauro Bongiovanni
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Tournament Organizer |
Raphaël Delbarre
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
Federico Donner
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
Sam Hung
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Daniel Jackson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Standby |
Leonardo Martins
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Staff |
Chris McGuire
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Richard Neal
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Eric Paré
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Luca Romano
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
Nick Sirman
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Standby |
Jeremy Sivaneswaran
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Patrick Wong
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Antonio Zanutto
Level 2 (International Judge Program) | Floor Judge |
Peter Creutzberger
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Isaac King
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) | Floor Judge |
Colton Abrams
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Louis Annino
Uncertified | Standby |
Riva Arecol
Uncertified | Standby |
Josee Barrette
Uncertified | Staff |
Michael Bauman
Uncertified | Standby |
Guillaume Beuzelin
Uncertified | Appeals Judge |
William Blondon
Uncertified | Standby |
Jarrett Boutilier
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Kris Burningham
Uncertified | Standby |
Brendan Capel
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Frank Chafe
Uncertified | Staff |
Eddie Cheung
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Christopher Chop
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Simon Cooper
Uncertified | Standby |
Maël Cournoyer-Michel
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Benjamin Coursey
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jeffrey Darran
Uncertified | Scorekeeper |
Tom Davis
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Gregory De Bonis
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Kevin Desprez
Uncertified | Head Judge |
Kenny Dolson
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Gavin Duggan
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
James Edwards
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jeffrey Emery
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Lamberto Franco
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Darren Gamble
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Shawn "Lucas" Gilhuly
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Martin Goulet
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Charles-William Guay
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Michael Gyssels
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Scott Jenkins
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Adam Jennings
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Joe Kaiser
Uncertified | Standby |
Jaroslav Karban
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
David Lachance-Poitras
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Gaël Lafenêtre
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Chris Lansdell
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Megan Linscott
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Johnatan Lussier
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jason Malott
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Robin Massart
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Duncan McGregor
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
James Mckay
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Ellen McManis
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Gilbert Medeiros
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Rick Miles
Uncertified | Standby |
David Nunez
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Jeffrey Orom
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Stephen Phung
Uncertified | Standby |
Evan Poissonnier
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Kali Rainwater
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Nick Rzeczkowski
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Rick Salamin
Uncertified | Judge Manager |
Marc Saumur
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Bradley Sinopoli
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Kate Skelly
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Sam Sprague
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
William Van Veen
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Hans Wang
Uncertified | Floor Judge |
Ariel Witkowsky
Uncertified | Floor Judge |