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Tournament Operations » Post: Game Day Round Structure

Game Day Round Structure

Oct. 14, 2013 07:31:42 AM

Jared Holder
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer


Game Day Round Structure

We normally do a top 4 for 11 or less players and top 8 for 12 or more players.

The thing is that the little rules pamphlet that comes with the Game Day materials says that with 8 players, you should only do 3 swiss rounds, no top 4.

Is this a hard and fast rule? There was an issue with the shop keeper last time, I even called Wizards customer support to confirm that it was ok to do a top 4 as was advertised. They said that it was fine but he didn't believe me. He started getting agitated and the whole tournament was a mess. The owner of the shop was supposed to settle it with him but it seems that he has not.

I don't know what to do other than ask here. Is it ok to have a top 4 at Game Day when there are exactly 8 players playing? I expect a lot more people this time but I really want to avoid any more conflict. If I am wrong, that is fine.


Oct. 14, 2013 07:36:43 AM

Mark Mc Govern
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Game Day Round Structure

I don't know what the official explanation might be, but my feeling is that, with only 8 players, having a cut to top 4 might lead to lots of people IDing and a lot of games not being played. So to avoid lots of people sitting around they've decided to play straight swiss.

Oct. 14, 2013 09:05:12 AM

Andrew Heckt
Judge (Uncertified)

Italy and Malta

Game Day Round Structure

Premier events has rules that may differ from similar sections of MTR.

From: Jared Holder
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2013 7:32 AM
To: Heckt, Andy
Subject: Game Day Round Structure (Tournament Operations)

We normally do a top 4 for 11 or less players and top 8 for 12 or more players.

The thing is that the little rules pamphlet that comes with the Game Day materials says that with 8 players, you should only do 3 swiss rounds, no top 4.

Is this a hard and fast rule? There was an issue with the shop keeper last time, I even called Wizards customer support to confirm that it was ok to do a top 4 as was advertised. They said that it was fine but he didn't believe me. He started getting agitated and the whole tournament was a mess. The owner of the shop was supposed to settle it with him but it seems that he has not.

I don't know what to do other than ask here. Is it ok to have a top 4 at Game Day when there are exactly 8 players playing? I expect a lot more people this time but I really want to avoid any more conflict. If I am wrong, that is fine.


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