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Basic land use requirement in Limited tournaments

July 16, 2014 06:19:40 PM

Daniel Pareja
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Basic land use requirement in Limited tournaments

So I was looking at the changes to the MTR, and I noticed something I hadn't noticed before:

Players may use only the cards they receive or draft and basic land cards provided by the Tournament Organizer. Players may ask a judge for permission to replace a card with another version of the same card.

(Emphasis mine.)

Does this mean that if I wanted to use, say, Zendikar, Unglued or Unhinged basic lands (that I brought myself) at a draft, I would have to ask a judge's permission (provided the TO is providing basic lands, as per the paragraph after)? Is this so that a judge can vet the cards in question to make sure that they are unmarked?

July 16, 2014 06:31:29 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Basic land use requirement in Limited tournaments

Yes, you should ask a Judge, and Yes, for the very reason you stated.


July 16, 2014 06:51:39 PM

Daniel Pareja
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Basic land use requirement in Limited tournaments

Thanks. I figured it was that, though I have seen players–certified judges, even–doing this in GPTs, at least, without asking a judge.

July 16, 2014 06:56:13 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Basic land use requirement in Limited tournaments

It's one of those lesser-known rules; mostly, it serves as defense/support for a Judge who says “hey, you can't use those (badly marked old lands).” In other words, another item in our Judge Utility Belt…


July 16, 2014 07:06:28 PM

Nick Rutkowski
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific West

Basic land use requirement in Limited tournaments

Or German misprint “Wald”

July 16, 2014 08:42:36 PM

Daniel Pareja
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Basic land use requirement in Limited tournaments

Originally posted by Scott Marshall:

It's one of those lesser-known rules; mostly, it serves as defense/support for a Judge who says “hey, you can't use those (badly marked old lands).” In other words, another item in our Judge Utility Belt…

But isn't that already covered under the Marked Cards section of the MTR? As it is the section seems to be a way for players to troll judges and opponents: “Judge, can I use these Unglued lands?” “Judge, the person sitting opposite me in deck construction is putting Beta basics in his deck.” “Judge, my opponent played a Guru land.” (Let's assume all these cards are being sleeved.) And then later, if your opponent calls you on using said lands, whichever judge comes over would have to find the judge who signed off on their use during construction, and if there's a disagreement a team leader or even the HJ might get called…

July 17, 2014 03:53:54 PM

Thomas Ralph
Judge (Level 3 (UK Magic Officials)), Scorekeeper

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Basic land use requirement in Limited tournaments

We're getting more than a bit corner-casey here.

If a player is using his own land, most TOs and at least some judges would thank him for not using the store's land. I seriously doubt that the use of own land, unless marked or snow, should cause any issues. If judges are pulling people up for it, they should instead go clean up trash and push in chairs. If opponents are doing so, they should be sternly told to quit it.

July 17, 2014 07:49:58 PM

Joe Brooks
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southwest

Basic land use requirement in Limited tournaments

Originally posted by Thomas Ralph:

We're getting more than a bit corner-casey here.

If a player is using his own land, most TOs and at least some judges would thank him for not using the store's land. I seriously doubt that the use of own land, unless marked or snow, should cause any issues. If judges are pulling people up for it, they should instead go clean up trash and push in chairs. If opponents are doing so, they should be sternly told to quit it


I've had more problems with old marked lands that ARE provided by the TO than those brought by players.

Edited Joe Brooks (July 17, 2014 07:50:24 PM)

July 17, 2014 11:45:55 PM

Matt Stone
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Basic land use requirement in Limited tournaments

“Players may ask a judge for permission to replace a card with another version of the same card.” Does this mean if someone says “Hey! I just opened this sweet foil. Can i just use my nonfoil one from my binder, since I forgot sleeves?” that it is allowable?

July 18, 2014 12:10:49 AM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Basic land use requirement in Limited tournaments

If the player asks, then, yes, that is allowable. Make sure the player knows to keep the foil separate from his card pool, or it's one of those “extra cards stored with the sideboard”, as mentioned in D/DLP.

July 22, 2014 10:31:56 AM

Katsuhisa Kanazawa
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program)), Scorekeeper


Basic land use requirement in Limited tournaments

I agree with Daniel and Thomas about BYOL (Bring Your Own Land) will not cause any harm for tournament integrity. If there are badly marked land cards, they shall be treated by marked card regardless who provide the land. Also someone mentioned BYOL has been common in Europe limited GP, so why we still keep the clause even lessor known rule ?

July 22, 2014 10:51:36 AM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Basic land use requirement in Limited tournaments

Keep in mind that the policy says “Players may ask a judge for permission to replace a card with another version of the same card.” Yes, it applies to bringing your own land, but it's broader than that - it applies to any card you bring.

I don't see a reason to change the wording of that phrase.


July 22, 2014 11:38:39 AM

Katsuhisa Kanazawa
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program)), Scorekeeper


Basic land use requirement in Limited tournaments

Ah, yes, I focused only basic land, but it covers broader case. Thanks for the clarification.

Though MTR 7.3 has following sentence, and last one could read as “Players may use their own during the tournament as long as they are in good condition and are not marked (only) if the Tournament Organizer does not have sufficient basic land cards.”

(only) is my interpolation. Please refer my other post, too.

Edited Katsuhisa Kanazawa (July 22, 2014 11:39:15 AM)