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Exemplar Announcement

July 29, 2014 03:39:16 AM

Andrew Heckt
Judge (Uncertified)

Italy and Malta

Exemplar Announcement

We are pleased to announce the Exemplar Program, a community-driven and Senior Judge designed peer-recognition system where L2+ judges will have the opportunity to recognize judges of all levels throughout the world.

The goal of the Exemplar Program is to recognize the contributions that judges make to the Magic Community. Its aim is to grow the quality of judges through peer recognition and provide positive examples for others to follow. By providing examples of judges who exhibit good behavior and provide a positive impact on the Judge Community, the belief is all judges will have role-models and clear examples of conduct which will improve the quality of judging globally.

The Challenge
Senior Judges worked together to create a program that would:
Find ways to strengthen the Judge Community and increase judge recognition;
Expand the reach of judge foils;
Focus on how to recognize examples of great contributions to the Magic Community;
Empower judges to engage in peer recognition; and
Be flexible and allow for future ideas from the Judge Community.

L2+ judges will decide what qualities to recognize and how it is valued in their respective communities. L2+ judges will have the opportunity to periodically make a limited number (based on level and role) of submission of recognition for another member of the Judge Community; these recommendations will be, in turn, reviewed by the Senior Judges and made public to the global Judge Community.

The Exemplar Program will begin in 2014 for L3+judges and will be fully implemented for all judges in 2015. While judge activities will continue as before, in 2015, judges foils will only be available as part of the Exemplar Program.

July 29, 2014 03:45:50 AM

Andrew Heckt
Judge (Uncertified)

Italy and Malta

Exemplar Announcement

As a clarification, conference will still have judge foils.

July 29, 2014 03:52:43 AM

Eskil Myrenberg
Judge (Uncertified)

Europe - North

Exemplar Announcement

Sounds a lot like what HJ of GPs do during judge dinner :). I like!
So anyone can receive these, including L1s and we can nominate someone
based on whatever we deem worthy of recognition?
Den 28 jul 2014 20:43 skrev “Andrew Heckt” <

July 29, 2014 03:55:19 AM

Andrew Heckt
Judge (Uncertified)

Italy and Malta

Exemplar Announcement

Yes to any level, for reasons within guideline to be announced later. Those guidelines are being developed by the Senior Judges and are expected to be tested with L3s soon and after learnings from that, to be announced broadly start of 2015.

From: Eskil Myrenberg
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 11:53 AM
To: Heckt, Andy
Subject: Re: Exemplar Announcement (Official Announcements)

Sounds a lot like what HJ of GPs do during judge dinner :). I like!
So anyone can receive these, including L1s and we can nominate someone
based on whatever we deem worthy of recognition?
Den 28 jul 2014 20:43 skrev “Andrew Heckt” <

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July 29, 2014 09:11:36 AM

Jason Lemahieu
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

USA - Great Lakes

Exemplar Announcement

Hi all. I've written up some more information about the Exemplar Program here:

Aug. 12, 2014 01:20:56 AM

Sean Catanese
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific Northwest

Exemplar Announcement

In the days since the announcement of this program, the L4+ judges and RCs have been putting the final touches on the pilot for the Exemplar Program, and we have something special to share with you all, which should help answer your questions. I'd like to introduce you to the Exemplar Program blog!

If you have questions on how the first wave of the pilot will work, this post will hopefully answer many of your questions:

Aug. 19, 2014 03:00:21 PM

Sean Catanese
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific Northwest

Exemplar Announcement

The deadline for the first wave of recognitions to be submitted under the Exemplar Program is Sunday, September 7.

If you are a L3+ Judge, you can submit your recognitions using this form:

As a reminder, you can read more about how to write an effective recognition at the Exemplar Program blog here:

Note that you can return to the form after submitting it (to complete your unused slots, make edits to your messages, or change the judges you're recognizing) by using the special link provided for you on the “Thank You” page.

If one of the recognition messages you submit is identified as problematic, we will let you know about the issue and give you an opportunity to correct any problems. This is a learning process, and its success is important to the whole Judge program.

The first question many of you will ask is: “When will recognitions ship from Wizards?”

We do not have a specific answer for this question at this time. We are certain it will occur after the launch of Khans of Tarkir. We will post here, on the Exemplar blog, and to social media when we have more specific information.

Oct. 2, 2014 03:08:56 AM

Sean Catanese
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific Northwest

Exemplar Announcement

The first wave of Exemplar Program recognitions has been compiled and posted for all to see. We had nearly 900 submissions from all over the world! You can learn more about what happens next, and explore how Judges in your region have been recognized here:

A big part of the future success of the Exemplar Program is how Judges recognized feel about their recognitions and the expectations we have surrounding “what happens next”. Please read the full post before jumping straight to the recognition messages.

If you have questions about the program, mailings, or anything else about the Exemplar Program, please send a message to and we'll address them there (and please don't send them to the Magic Judge Program Manager - those will only get forwarded to the address anyway).