Judge error here, I'd say. When the player tells you he has a previous penalty for the same thing, judge should check. Players may well not know the technical distinctions between penalties, such as GRV or MT.
As for the fix: Nothing to do. The judge made the wrong call by issuing the last warning, it's done. Explain to the player about it so he understands that future ones may well be GL. Discuss with responding judge about checking penalties when players tell you they have some.
Complacency can be bad.
-Eric Shukan
—– Original Message —–
From: Zohar Finkel
eshukan@verizon.net Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2014 3:09 PM
Subject: Was that your third strike? (Competitive REL)
It's the semi-finals of a wmcq, “Abe” has won game one and is now playing against his opponent.
During game two Abe commits a GRV, and when asked about prior warnings says he only got one other for a missed trigger at some much earlier round. After a while he does another GRV, and shortly after wins the match.
When entering the penalties it is discovered he was mistaken and that the missed trigger he thought about was actually another GRV, which means his last GRV was the third one and should have been upgraded.
Him thinking the first one was for a missed trigger? an honest mistake.
Now you go over the original GRV to see what it was for, and find out it was a wrong call by the judge issuing it, and that no appeal was made.
How do you proceed?
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