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Authorized cards and sanctioned casual events

Nov. 14, 2014 02:37:17 AM

Espen Skarsbø Olsen
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

Europe - North

Authorized cards and sanctioned casual events

Now that we'll be sanctioning more casual events all over with the FNM change coming in january, I'm wondering about how sanctioned casual events relate to MTR 3.3 Authorized cards. Do those requirements relate to casual sanctioned events? If so, does this mean that we can't use un-cards in chaosdrafts or cubedrafts?

Some type of cards I'm wondering about:
- Silver bordered cards
- Gold bordered cards (allowing up to X gold-bordered cards in a casual tournament, or a cube using some gold bordered cards)
- proxies of power and similarly expensive cards in a powercube, where the owner of the cube has the cards in a binder, but won't let strangers at the LGS draft the real cards
- a set number of proxies (10 proxy legacy)
- custom cards (made for an invented format for example)

Nov. 14, 2014 03:14:28 AM

Niels Viaene
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer


Authorized cards and sanctioned casual events

A casual event, if entered as an FNM, is a sanctioned event and needs to follow the rules of card legality. So that would mean no proxies and custom cards. Gold bordered cards fall under this category as well since they don't have a legal Magic back. I am curious about silver bordered cards, though, as those have been featured in prereleases before that I believe were sanctioned.

I hope some official answer follows.

Nov. 14, 2014 03:21:04 AM

Mark Mc Govern
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Authorized cards and sanctioned casual events

I have no doubt that there will be a Fact Sheet made available soon - probably as the sanctioning window opens up. It should contain all the answers we need. Until then we're just guessing really.

Nov. 14, 2014 03:44:23 AM

James Dowling
Judge (Uncertified)

Australia and New Zealand

Authorized cards and sanctioned casual events

Originally posted by Mark Mc Govern:

I have no doubt that there will be a Fact Sheet made available soon - probably as the sanctioning window opens up. It should contain all the answers we need. Until then we're just guessing really.

The sanctioning window has been open for a week now. I'm interested to hear the answers to these questions too.

Nov. 14, 2014 02:03:37 PM

Toby Elliott
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Authorized cards and sanctioned casual events

The MTR will be updated before this program goes into effect.

It will almost certainly say exactly what you expect it to - MTR 3.3 will continue to apply. Assume this is so until you hear otherwise.

Dec. 14, 2014 01:14:20 PM

Thomas Ralph
Judge (Level 3 (UK Magic Officials)), Scorekeeper

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Authorized cards and sanctioned casual events

Any more news on this? Or have I missed it? In particular, will FNMs run with a “non-traditional” format such as Commander be deemed to be Casual events?

Dec. 14, 2014 01:22:18 PM

Kim Warren
Judge (Uncertified)

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Authorized cards and sanctioned casual events

I'm not sure if there has been anything published yet, but my understanding is that yes, FNMs run in a Casual format will be considered to be Casual events. However, as Toby said, MTR 3.3 is still going to be A Thing in any official Wizards program.