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Tournament Operations » Post: pPTQ formats

pPTQ formats

Dec. 18, 2014 03:19:14 AM

Riccardo Tessitori
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))


pPTQ formats

Hello :)
I've been asked by a tournament organizer if he can choose to run his sealed pPTQ with a set of boosters different from the most recent Khan/Fate.
Specifically, he's asking if he can have a Modern Masters (2) sealed + Top8 draft.
Thank you.

Riccardo Tessitori

Dec. 18, 2014 03:41:48 AM

Monsuporn Lauhaphand
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program))

Southeast Asia

pPTQ formats

From the current pPTQ fact sheet at

For events held prior to January 23, 2015, if the chosen format is Sealed Deck, the Top 8 playoff for the event will be Booster Draft. The product mix for the event will be 6 Khans of Tarkir boosters per player for the Sealed Deck portion, and 3 Khans of Tarkir boosters per player in the Top 8 Booster Draft playoff.

For events held after January 23, 2015, if the chosen format is Sealed Deck, the Top 8 playoff for the event will be Booster Draft. The product mix for the event will be 3 Khans of Tarkir boosters and 3 Fate Reforged booster per player for the Sealed Deck portion, and 1 Fate Reforged booster and 2 Khans of Tarkir boosters per player in the Top 8 Booster Draft playoff (in that order).

//Edit to make it easier to read due to italic format from email won't recognize by the forum.

Edited Monsuporn Lauhaphand (Dec. 18, 2014 03:45:47 AM)