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News in Spain and Portugal

April 9, 2015 03:14:03 PM

Cristiana Dionisio
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

News in Spain and Portugal

Hi everybody,
as you probably know, Alfonso is now L4, busy in another area of the judge program, so he has stepped aside as RC and after years of great dedication to his region he is now willing to take care of other responsibilities and aspects.

Spain and Portugal needs a new leader and a guide.

For this reason, after evaluations, great answers and good feedback,Sergio Perez has successfully demonstrated he can take Alfonso's place and he has been offered the RC position for the region which he accepted.

No words can describe the amazing job amd results Alfonso accomplished as RC, we are very grateful to him for what he did for his region and all of us

Sergio will certainly do as great as Alfonso, good luck and congratulations!

Cristiana, L4
RCs Coordinator