this looks as a very easy scenario.
At all matters is how much time has passed since round 1 begins, because we can give a GL for the first game, or wait for the second match. or any penalty (if TO approves).
Of course its necesary, to check if any other time for the start of round was announced.
Now here are some quotes, which i used to make my judgment.
A situation like this is describen as a example in the ipg.
“B. A player hands in his decklist after the time designated by the judge or organizer.”
the penalty can be avoided if the problem is discovered at the begining of the round, (during pre game procedure), and TO approves it.
“Additional Remedy
Give no penalty if the round started early and a player arrived at his or her seat before the originally announced start time. At Competitive events, the Tournament Organizer may elect to give players the amount of time allotted for the pre-game procedure (3 minutes) before a penalty is issued.”
So for short, GL, unless problem solved fast, and TO approves.
“Game Losses should be applied to the game in which the offense occurred unless the players have begun a new game or the tournament is between rounds, in which case the loss should be applied to the player’s next game.”
Edited Emmanuel Leal (Nov. 2, 2012 01:10:12 AM)