Edited Nicholas Zitomer (Oct. 25, 2015 06:34:53 PM)
Originally posted by Gareth Tanner:
I think the easiest way to progress this at this post would be to ask if they have an email or something stating the exemption. That way if it was for game day you'll be able to see, you'll also be able to check the senders email address.
Nicholas Zitomer
I'd suggest just speaking with the TO. Ask them who they contacted. If it's SCG, they should have a name, and I'd bet they could confirm that they didn't. If they are mistaken, and it was a wpn rep, then no harm no foul. If it was none of those, or they won't tell you, contact your Regional Coordinator.
Edited Nicholas Zitomer (Oct. 25, 2015 08:48:59 PM)
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