Players must maintain a pace to allow the match to be finished in the announced time limit.Consider the following cases:
Slow Play - A player takes longer than is reasonably required to complete game actions.But, I'm curious to hear other opinions. Should the expected pace of play change given the amount of time that remains in the round?
Originally posted by Dillon Plunkett:
But, I'm curious to hear other opinions. Should the expected pace of play change given the amount of time that remains in the round?
Originally posted by Dillon Plunkett:Nope. Just as it's unreasonable to expect a player to speed up their play dramatically, in the last few minutes of a round, it's also unreasonable to allow a player to play very slowly in the first few minutes of a round.
Should the expected pace of play change given the amount of time that remains in the round?
Originally posted by Toby Elliott:
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