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Global Announcements » Post: The Middle East area

The Middle East area

Dec. 14, 2015 06:31:56 PM

Cristiana Dionisio
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

The Middle East area

Hi all,
in the last months the Middle East area grew up going from 3 to 12 judges.
Thanks also to the Middle East FB page and the presence of international judges in that area, that community developed and keeps developing and improving month after month. For this reason we feel the need to have those Judges attached to an existing Region in order to have them even more included in the Judge Program and give them the support and the opportunity they need and deserve.
So from now on UAE, Qatar and Kuwait are part of Europe-East whose Regional Coordinator is Giorgos Thricopolous. Giorgos is ready and happy to include and take care of the Middle East area.

Special thanks to David De La Iglesia who supported and made himself available and very helpful for those Judges.

Cristiana Dionisio, L4
RCs Coordinator