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WER going from Single Elimimination to Swiss ...

Feb. 20, 2016 02:22:12 PM

Christian Marx
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program)), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

German-speaking countries

WER going from Single Elimimination to Swiss ...

I judged a GPT with a smal problem today….

We had 8 Player´s Single Elimination…. - I pushed the button to create the parrings…. - 1 secound later there come a Person in the Shop - so 9. Players and an other player has to leave the Event in front of playing……. - so 8 again…

I created new parrings…

After round 1 I recognice that WER did Swiss Parings instad of Singleelimination…

I found no solutio to becomme WER beck to Singleelimination..

I made 2 Swiss rounds with drops and the last Table with a draw in the 3. round than create a Top 2 because i did not find a solution for that Problem…

Is there a better solution for that?

Thanks for help…..

Feb. 20, 2016 02:45:33 PM

David Záleský
Judge (Uncertified)

Europe - Central

WER going from Single Elimimination to Swiss ...

There is no other solution. WER doesn't allow you to change pairing
mechanism in GPTs and PPTQs. And there is no need for draw in round 3 and
then TOP2. Just drop every losing player, and don't allow draws.

There is also an alternative, where you let all the players play all three
rounds, but you still don't allow draws in the X-0 matches. That way, you
still get one player with 9 points as a winner, and the other players will
have more chances to play, rather than leaving after first round.

2016-02-20 15:23 GMT+01:00 Christian Marx <

March 1, 2016 07:04:36 PM

Russell Deutsch
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

WER going from Single Elimimination to Swiss ...

I just wanted to chime in and say I had a similar problem while running a GPT earlier this week, except that WER did not allow me to change the tournament to Single Elim (8 man GPT) without entering the TO's email address, and the box to enter the TO's email address was greyed out and didn't allow any input.

I ran the tournament as swiss and dropped all people who lost each round.

March 24, 2016 12:40:35 PM

Valentin Hauser
Judge (Uncertified)

German-speaking countries

WER going from Single Elimimination to Swiss ...

I recommend to create (and later report) a new event and write to hasbro to change the sanctionning number. Also explain the reason why you had to do it that way. There should be no problem with that.