Hello fellow judges.
I assume many of you already use it, but the newest thing in judging technology and communication is using a program called Slack. For those that don't know, Slack is like a giant chat room, but only for those that have been invited in. Regions have been using it for the past month for everything from debating policy and preparing judges for competitive REL events to telling 6 word stories and discussing EDH leagues!
For those that haven't used Slack before, there is now a page on the Judge Wiki going over how to use it, along with some bonus information specific for judges. You can find it at
https://wiki.magicjudges.org/en/w/Slack Currently we have all of the links for the USA regions, so if you know the information for slack teams outside of the US, please help out by including that information.
A big thanks to Amanda Coots (L2, Texas) for getting the Wiki initially set up, all of the work on the page, and for the idea of making the Wiki page in the first place as well as Joe Hughto (L3, Massachusetts) for getting all of the USA region links for us.
Edited Stephen Wise (March 6, 2016 07:37:04 PM)