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News in USA Northeast!

May 13, 2016 05:32:57 AM

Cristiana Dionisio
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

News in USA Northeast!

Ciao all,
Shawn Doherty has chosen to step aside as RC in order to take care of other responsibilities and aspects of both his personal and judge life. After years of great dedication to his Region, after he added value, pride, quality and passion to his community, Shawn is now willing and ready to focus elsewhere.

The Northeast Region needs a new leader and a guide.

John Alderfer has successfully demonstrated to be able to take Shawn's place and he has been offered the RC position for the Region, which he accepted. He will lead his community and help the RC group to make this judge program better and better.

Thank you Shawn for what you have done for everybody.
Congratulations John, good luck!

Cristiana Dionisio
RCs Coordinator