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HCE and Keranos

May 23, 2016 01:18:40 PM

Eli Meyer
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Northeast

HCE and Keranos

How does the new HCE remedy apply to failure to reveal for Keranos, God of Storms?

The remedy states the following: “If the error involves one or more cards that were supposed to be revealed, the player reveals the set of cards that contains the unrevealed cards and his or her opponent chooses that many previously-unknown cards. Treat those as the unrevealed cards for any required actions.” Does Keranos's trigger, part of the static ability that also reveals drawn cards, count as a “required action” to be performed based on the revealed card? Or does the trigger, which can be missed, disappear after the card is drawn, even if we apply this remedy and reveal a card some time later in the turn?

May 23, 2016 06:31:25 PM

Dustin De Leeuw
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program)), Tournament Organizer


HCE and Keranos

Originally posted by Eli Meyer:

Does Keranos's trigger, part of the static ability that also reveals drawn cards

This is the part where I disagree with your interpretation. Keranos does 2 things: reveal cards you draw to your opponent (which is bad for you, good for the opponent, and information they are entitled to), and Keranos has some triggers (not generally detrimental triggers, on top of that!). They are not connected, except for that the trigger needs some information from the static effect.

My ruling would be: Warning voor HCE, reveal the entire hand, trigger forgotten (and opponent gets to choose to put it on the stack now or not).

May 23, 2016 06:37:55 PM

Pascal Gemis
Judge (Level 1 (Judge Academy))


HCE and Keranos

Warning voor HCE, reveal the entire hand, trigger forgotten (and opponent gets to choose to put it on the stack now or not).

I'm 100% on that but will add that's the opponent who chose wich card is the first card drawed this turn. And, basically if he want to put the trigger on the stack he chose if Keranos make draw an additional card or deal 3 damage.

May 23, 2016 11:23:47 PM

Carlos Ho
Judge (Level 3 (Judge Academy))

Hispanic America - North

HCE and Keranos

Funnily, we just had this situation at GP LA last weekend. Not revealing is indeed HCE, so the player shows the hand and the opponent chooses a card to be treated as the one that has to be revealed by Keranos' ability. At this point, this would trigger Keranos' second ability (which can't have been missed, because a card was never revealed).
So basically, the opponent has the choice of whether allowing the player to draw a card or have 3 damage dealt.
I know this feels a lot like it should be a missed trigger, but Keranos' wording makes things different.

May 24, 2016 12:06:46 AM

Dustin De Leeuw
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program)), Tournament Organizer


HCE and Keranos

Gods always mess with people's minds ^^

May 24, 2016 05:46:26 AM

Toni Grundström
Judge (Level 1 (Judge Academy))

Europe - North

HCE and Keranos

This might be splitting hairs, but Keranos says Whenever you reveal a land/nonland card this way. So technically you wont reveal a card due to Keranos's ability but due the fix of HCE.

May 24, 2016 05:49:28 AM

Dan Collins
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

HCE and Keranos

Originally posted by Toni Grundström:

This might be splitting hairs, but Keranos says Whenever you reveal a land/nonland card this way. So technically you wont reveal a card due to Keranos's ability but due the fix of HCE.

I agree that this is splitting hairs. :D

May 24, 2016 08:49:34 AM

Abraham Corson
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Midatlantic

HCE and Keranos

Originally posted by Toni Grundström:

This might be splitting hairs, but Keranos says Whenever you reveal a land/nonland card this way. So technically you wont reveal a card due to Keranos's ability but due the fix of HCE.

By that logic, players would never lose any life to their own missed Dark Confidant triggers, either. Obviously, they still should, though. The reason is the same in both cases- from the MIPG:

If the error involves one or more cards that were supposed to be revealed, the player reveals the set of cards that contains the unrevealed cards and his or her opponent chooses that many previously-unknown cards. Treat those revealed cards for any required actions.

June 3, 2016 08:19:27 AM

Joseph Steet
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Northeast

HCE and Keranos

I'm super glad I read this post.

I distinctly remember an L3 ruling that the trigger was missed because they had passed the point at which the trigger would have happened, and when rewinding through a missed trigger we don't allow a second chance at catching the trigger.

So is the trigger “required”? Can't the player reveal a nonland card, not choose a target, and attempt to cast a sorcery? Versus the Bob example, they are resolving a trigger but improperly, so the life loss is required.