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A Leap Too Far - SILVER

June 16, 2016 11:29:19 PM

Joe Klopchic
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

Seattle, Washington, United States

A Leap Too Far - SILVER

Greetings judges! Welcome back to the Knowledge Pool. This week we have Silver scenario, so L2 judges should wait until Sunday before they reply.

The blog post for this scenario is here.

Amy and Nicholas are playing at a Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier. During Amy's turn, she activates Evolutionary Leap's ability, revealing the top 3 cards one at a time, revealing a Forest, a Duskwatch Recruiter and an Archangel Avacyn. Amy laughs and points at the Duskwatch Recruiter, saying she was thinking about its ability when she started flipping the 3rd card. Both players call for a judge. During the investigation, you discover that Amy has resolved a Collected Company earlier in the game, and put 4 cards on the bottom of her library. What do you do?

June 16, 2016 11:41:36 PM

Warren Hawkins
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

Australia and New Zealand

A Leap Too Far - SILVER

L@EC. - W

Put the Duskwatch Recruiter in hand. Isolate the bottom 4 cards maintaining order, and the Forest. Shuffle Avacyn into deck, then put the 4 Collected Company cards on the bottom, followed by the Forest from Evolutionary Leap.

June 17, 2016 12:20:27 AM

Cristóbal Vigar Guerrero
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper


A Leap Too Far - SILVER

ERASED - Sorry I'll wait until Saturday.

Edited Cristóbal Vigar Guerrero (June 17, 2016 01:38:41 AM)

June 17, 2016 12:44:30 AM

Sam Whatmore
Judge (Uncertified)

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

A Leap Too Far - SILVER

As long as both players are sure of the order of the cards revealed, the Duskwatch Recruiter into Amy's Hand, the Archangel Avacyn should be shuffled into the random portion of the library (the bottom 4 cards should not be randomised) and the Forest should be placed on the bottom of the library.
Issue Amy with a warning and tell her to play more carefully.

June 17, 2016 02:59:00 AM

Robert Langmaid
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

Canada - Eastern Provinces

A Leap Too Far - SILVER

I believe this is gpe-grv for Amy with warning as the cards were revealed one at a time. Shuffle the archangel into random part of library. Put forest under cards known from coco.

Edited Robert Langmaid (June 17, 2016 06:51:22 AM)

June 17, 2016 03:06:53 PM

Matt Wells
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southeast

A Leap Too Far - SILVER

GPE-GRV to Amy for failing to resolve Leap correctly. Recruiter to hand. Set aside the bottom 4 and the forest - shuffle Avacyn into the remainder of the library. Then put the bottom 4 back and then the forest on the very bottom.

June 17, 2016 05:31:06 PM

Maxwell Berry
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Midatlantic

A Leap Too Far - SILVER

Warning for GPE-GRV, not a dexterity issue so not LEC in my mind. Put the forest down then set the bottom four cards of the library on top of it, then shuffle the Avacyn into the rest of the library. Put the duskwatch recruiter into her hand, and remind them to play more carefully in the future.

June 17, 2016 05:53:17 PM

Warren Hawkins
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

Australia and New Zealand

A Leap Too Far - SILVER

L@ec also catches play errors as long as it hasn't hit the hand yet.

June 20, 2016 02:30:44 PM

Riki Hayashi
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

USA - Midatlantic

A Leap Too Far - SILVER

Most answers thus far have called this GRV but applied the Looking at Extra Cards remedy. I'm curious–why the mismatch?

June 20, 2016 03:56:56 PM

Matt Cooper
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

A Leap Too Far - SILVER

LEC, with a Warning for Amy. Keep the four CoCo'd cards at the bottom, shuffle the Avacyn into the random portion of the library. Finish resolving the Leap activation.

Re: the mismatch, I think people are referring to the phrasing on HCE.

This infraction does not apply to simple dexterity errors, such as when a card being pulled off the library sticks to another card and is seen or knocked off the library. The cards themselves must be part of a distinct set.

The logic then flows as “not dexterity error? HCE or GRV” where that's not necessarily true. I think the GRV explanation comes from thinking that they incorrectly resolved the Leap activation. The LEC fix seems intuitive here, but there may be some being caught up in the technical language of the IPG.

June 20, 2016 11:38:01 PM

Zoltán Tóth-Bajnóczi
Judge (Uncertified)

Europe - Central

A Leap Too Far - SILVER

This issue seems like a clear-cut Looking at Extra Cards infraction. Flipping the third card seems accidental enough (once we've concluded that it wasn't intentional). I've seen this before in case of cascade.
Amy committed GPE- Looking at Extra Cards, she will get a warning for this. As a remedy, the third card (Archangel Avacyn) will be shuffled to the random portion of her library (preserving the 4 at the bottom). After this, she continues resolving Evolutionary Leap's effect. So she will put Duskwatch Recruiter in her hand and the other card on the bottom of her library.

After reading the replies, I wonder why LEC was dismissed in this case. I checked up on LEC and to me it looks like the incident doesn't have to be a dexterity error (that's how I interpret the definition). It could be a mistake like this either. It is obviously not HCE, because the cards were revealed. Both players know the order of the cards revealed. LEC seems the clear fit here to me.

June 23, 2016 03:35:38 PM

Matt Wells
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southeast

A Leap Too Far - SILVER

Originally posted by Riki Hayashi:

Most answers thus far have called this GRV but applied the Looking at Extra Cards remedy. I'm curious–why the mismatch?

For my part, I was shooting from the hip and the LEC remedy “feels” to resolve the situation the best. However, it seemed that the real issue here was not the actual LEC part but rather incorrectly resolving the Evolutionary Leap (ie., failing to follow a game procedure correctly). Looking back at the IPG I think LEC is the correct violation here and it seems pretty clear-cut on reading the IPG.

Part of the disconnect, for me, is that when I review LEC the “dexterity error”-type examples are what stick out most not the more general instances of “sees a card they were not entitled to see”.

June 27, 2016 12:28:23 PM

Marc Shotter
Judge (Uncertified)

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

A Leap Too Far - SILVER

LEC - Warning for Amy

To remedy shuffle the the Avacyn into the unknown portion of the deck (so maintain the four cards from collected company) then continue resolving the evolutionary leap: Duskwatch to hand, forest to the bottom of the deck.

June 29, 2016 06:37:51 AM

Joe Klopchic
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

Seattle, Washington, United States

A Leap Too Far - SILVER

Thanks to everyone for the discussion generated by this question.

The correct answer, as first pointed out by Warren Hawkins, is that this is Looking at Extra Cards. It may be tempting to rule this Game Play Error, resolving Evolutionary Leap's abiltiy incorrectly, or even Hidden Card Error. The set of cards for Evolutionary Leap was complete after Duskwatch Recruiter was revealed, and since the extra cards were revealed and aren't in a private zone, we can confirm which card was incorrectly added to the set.

Amy receives a warning for Looking at Extra Cards. The additional fix is to randomize the unknown portion of the library, including Avacyn. Since the four cards are in a known place we want to preserve their location on the bottom of the deck. Setting those four cards aside, the rest of the deck is shuffled and they are replaced on the bottom.

Thanks again for joining in, and look forward to another scenario in the near future.