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Global Announcements » Post: Request for Information from Project Leads (by the Program Coordinators)

Request for Information from Project Leads (by the Program Coordinators)

Aug. 5, 2016 11:52:01 AM

Sean Catanese
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific Northwest

Request for Information from Project Leads (by the Program Coordinators)

Hello from your Program Coordinators!

If you lead a project which impacts the Judge Program, we'd like to know about it! We've gathered some information from JudgeApps and the work of the Project Org Chart led by Stefan Ladstatter. But we want to know more. One of the primary tasks of the Program Coordinators is to make sure the day-to-day operations of the judge program are covered, and that means understanding what we’re already doing and how it’s going.

With that purpose, we have created this tool to collect information about judge projects:

To prevent duplication, we're asking only project leads to complete this survey. If you're on a project but not leading it, please remind your lead to let us know about your project.

What's a project? It's an organized effort led and directed primarily by judges to serve one of the goals of the Judge Program. Yes, that's vague and broad. That's intended.

It doesn't have to be organized through JudgeApps. It doesn't have to impact the global judge program for us to want to know about it. It doesn't have to be focused solely on player experience at events. If you're putting time and effort into something that serves the Judge Program, we'd like to know about it.

Sean, Toby, Kim, and Lems