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Article Discussion » Post: Modern Rules Problems - Spell Queller

Modern Rules Problems - Spell Queller

Nov. 11, 2016 07:43:54 AM

David de la Iglesia
Judge (Uncertified)

Europe - East

Modern Rules Problems - Spell Queller

This thread is for discussing the article Modern Rules Problems - Spell Queller, by Nathan Long.

Nov. 13, 2016 09:45:39 PM

Jakob Lernhage
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy)), Tournament Organizer

Europe - North

Modern Rules Problems - Spell Queller

Only thing Im missing in the article is how it works when flickering the queller with a empty stack. People have asked a few times if they can exile the same spell again by stacking the trigerrs. No you cant.

Neat article. Thank you.