First, thanks for interduce the existence of this article.
And here is my thoughts
This is definitely not something to start with in a tournament that have a hugh number of players involved, the same where you can't let a two years old kid who just learned how to walk run for olympics; this require a strong backround of knowledge and experience of both judges and players.
“This just kill the fun of magic”(I might of changed some word…). I liked this line from the article. This should start with tournaments that isn't as “much fun” as others such as top 8 of GP, PT, or even world championship since the players at this point should know how do time works with some additional help from judges. I mean, do you care more about “that tournament was hard” and just forget it since there is nothing else to do with it, or a strong feeling of regret and tones of arguments of the 1000 change of price?
How to start with:
We should not just call this as a “timer”, but a magic item. Min of $15, that's less than a lot of the playmats, and if we put some cover of special picture of the story line, it would likely for some players come and buy those(in GP). Of couse, those players is not going to be the majority. Although is surely something what can make money off. Additionally, if we give out those as price for like the top 100s, five years after, have of the tournament are likely have one of those; Some one might get some from their friend, not just the timer, but also the experience of how to use it. And then start from five years, players can use those in their FNMs, and then, we can push those into Comp REL. (I would say 15 years after).
How to use it:
Will, first thing first, the “normal” clock needs to be change. There should be a two buttens wihch for pasing turn and priorities(turn off AP, and turn on NAP), and for resolve a spell(stop or start time for both players). But if we can devolope the cover of outside, since we want to make magic better, I assuming we can also do “something” inside.
Also, as I talked about the knowledge of how to use it, as time pass on, people will start have a skill of how to use it. And so, before it, I do not recognize to use it in Comp REL.
Edited john bai (Dec. 5, 2016 05:02:15 PM)