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Conspiracy Draft

Dec. 17, 2016 08:21:34 AM

Adi Jian
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

Europe - East

Conspiracy Draft

A question to judges who also run conspiracy tournaments; which tournament type do you pick on the WER and how do you distribute prizes? How do you handle players who team up because they're friends?

Dec. 17, 2016 08:47:42 AM

Milan Majerčík
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

Europe - Central

Conspiracy Draft

Hi Adi Jian,

You can select “Conspiracy Draft” as Format when sanctioning such event.

How I do it, is to provide one booster pack as a prize just for the last survivor in each multiplayer game. To not complicate things and prevent such issues as you have mentioned.

Personally, I prefer just little prizes for such casual experience. Once you involve bigger prizes, it increases risk of an unpleasant behavior from someone, ruining the atmosphere for everyone…

(edit) One more thing worth noting is that, if you have a good number of players, do a random pairing into the multiplayer games.(edit)


Milan Majerčík

Edited Milan Majerčík (Dec. 17, 2016 08:52:49 AM)

Dec. 17, 2016 07:52:02 PM

Adi Jian
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

Europe - East

Conspiracy Draft

Hi Milan, thank you for the quick answer!
Do you run one game in each draft?
And if I may ask, how much do you charge each player for the draft if it's only one booster for the winner?

Dec. 18, 2016 09:50:27 AM

Milan Majerčík
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

Europe - Central

Conspiracy Draft

For one draft, we run more multiplayer games. Firstly, each draft pod (of cca 8 players) is split into two multiplayer games (of 3-5 players). As players are eliminated, they form more multiplayer games. Repeat ad nauseam :-D

The entry fee is enough to cover 3 boosters per player and few boosters for winners (and our usual fixed costs).

Dec. 18, 2016 10:37:41 AM

Adi Jian
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

Europe - East

Conspiracy Draft

Sweet, that's understandable and agreeable.
Thanks a bunch again :)

Jan. 10, 2017 03:56:47 AM

Adi Jian
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

Europe - East

Conspiracy Draft


So we've come to a point in a game when two players lost at the same time and we've agreed to split the prizes between the winner and the one who lasted the most.
What do you do in a situation like that?
What do you do when everyone dies at the same time?


Jan. 10, 2017 08:14:57 AM

Milan Majerčík
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

Europe - Central

Conspiracy Draft

Hi again!

It would seem natural to do the split, in case there is more than 1 “last man standing”. I am yet to encounter this, but in my case (prize is 1 booster pack for the winner of the game), I would either offer a store credit to divide among the winners instead of the pack or possibly ask them whether they want to open the pack and draft it (unlikely).

BTW, how did the event go? Did you enjoy yourselves?


Jan. 10, 2017 08:20:38 AM

Adi Jian
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

Europe - East

Conspiracy Draft

Oh it was a blast. One of the best players in the store just blasted 3 people out with a couple of creatures and combat tricks. We pretty much had our jaws spread out, haha.

It is bound to happen as some cards like Overrun do a whole lot of damage and I thought you would have encountered some event like this.
But good to know, thanks!