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Knowledge Pool Scenarios » Post: Cruising into Blockers - BRONZE

Cruising into Blockers - BRONZE

Jan. 4, 2017 01:53:09 PM

Joe Klopchic
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

Seattle, Washington, United States

Cruising into Blockers - BRONZE

Welcome back to the Knowledge Pool for 2017! We're excited to get back in the swing of things for this year. Enjoy the first scenario for 2017.

Our first scenario is a Bronze level scenario, so judges who have judged more than a couple Competitive REL events should wait until after their FNM before they reply.

Andrew and Nate are playing at a Kaladesh sealed PPTQ. Andrew is at 5, and Nate is at 2 and controls five 1/1 Servo tokens and a Dukhara Peafowl. Andrew casts Fleetwheel Cruiser, announces and resolves its trigger, and attacks with it. Nate thinks for a second and announces “I'll block with all my creatures.” Andrew then casts Built to Smash, targeting the Fleetwheel Cruiser. Nate then realizes that Andrew never ordered blockers, and calls for a judge. What do you do?

Jan. 4, 2017 02:12:19 PM

Patrick Lantz
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southwest

Cruising into Blockers - BRONZE

so i am newly L. 1, but i'd like to take a shot:

issue Andrew a GPE-Game rule violation. remind him as a part of the declare blockers step, he must put the declared blockers in the order in which they receive damage before he regains priority to cast built to smash and warn him to play more carefully.

this specific situation ( failing to order blockers ) is outlined in the “additional remedies” section of the Game Rule Violation chapter, and states that the appropriate player should choose the order.
“…otherwise, a backup may be considered”

since Nate's opponent made a mistake and revealed his hand too soon, and he is blocking to save his life, I think Andrew should have to order blockers with built to smash on the stack with no backup.

Edited Patrick Lantz (Jan. 6, 2017 09:13:00 PM)

Jan. 9, 2017 02:12:09 AM

Wendra Djati Kamadjaja
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program)), Regional Representative (Asia), Tournament Organizer, IJP Temporary Regional Advisor


Cruising into Blockers - BRONZE

hello thank for sharing.

since Andrew doesn't have a priority yet untill he announces damage assignment order for blocking creature, he can't cast an instant (CR 116.1A "timing and priority)
So i agree with Patrick Lantz
Originally posted by Patrick Lantz:

issue Andrew a GPE-Game rule violation. remind him as a part of the declare blockers step, he must put the declared blockers in the order in which they receive damage before he regains priority to cast built to smash and warn him to play more carefully.
but i considered to back up the game state before he cast built to smash.

Jan. 9, 2017 04:40:08 AM

Milan Majerčík
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

Europe - Central

Cruising into Blockers - BRONZE

Hi guys,

For such situations - when we have a “predefined” partial fix and we may also do a backup - is there any preferred option?

Originally posted by Patrick Lantz:

since Nate's opponent made a mistake and revealed his hand too soon, and he is blocking to save his life,
Once we decide by our investigation that it is GPE-GRV (and not Cheating for instance), should we consider in this infraction/remedy who made the mistake and what is the life total of Nate?



Jan. 9, 2017 02:41:23 PM

Joe Klopchic
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

Seattle, Washington, United States

Cruising into Blockers - BRONZE

Thanks to everyone for participating this week. Patrick Lantz was the first in, and nailed the answer.

This is a Game Play Error - Game Rules Violation. GRV contains a partial fix which instructs us to have Andrew order blockers right now, but first we should consider a simple backup. Because the backup could change the lines of play, and isn't extremely simple, we go with the partial fix. Leave Built to Smash on the stack, and have Andrew order blockers now. Nate does not receive Failure to Maintain Game State, as he noticed the error at the earliest possible time.

Edited Joe Klopchic (Jan. 9, 2017 02:41:38 PM)