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Competitive REL » Post: How to back up Evoke?

How to back up Evoke?

March 21, 2013 09:57:04 PM

Toby Hazes
Judge (Uncertified)


How to back up Evoke?

Romeo controls a Storm Crow (non-artifact) and Juliet controls a Hover Myr (artifact).
Romeo pays 1B and evokes a Shriekmaw, saying “kill Hover Myr”. Juliet immediately calls a judge.
How is this backed up?

March 21, 2013 10:01:33 PM

Shawn Doherty
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Midatlantic

How to back up Evoke?

Back up to the point when the trigger is put on the stack. Let the player choose a target (likely only one in play) and give the GRV to Romeo.

March 21, 2013 11:11:49 PM

Bryan Prillaman
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southeast

How to back up Evoke?

Yup. Player have to be allowed to make strategic errors…and this sounds like one of them.
Dont be tempted to treat this like a dark banishing, even though thats probably how the player was thinking of it. Playing the Shriekmaw for its evoke cost was perfectly legal, despite being not such a good choice.