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Possibility Storm and playing a card face down

May 2, 2013 05:07:04 PM

James Do Hung Lee
Judge (Level 3 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame, Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

USA - Pacific Northwest

Possibility Storm and playing a card face down

I was just asked about the interaction between Possibility Storm and Zoetic Cavern being played face down. I would argue that the controller of Possibility Storm should get a creature given that the wording on Possibility Storm refers to the spell and not the card so that last known information is used. It would seem similar to the result one would get if casting a copy of a spell card from one's hand. However, given the lengthy text on Possibility Storm, I am open to the possibility that the template is simply imprecise and may mean to refer to the card in exile rather than the spell as exiled.

May 3, 2013 12:32:54 AM

Daniel Kitachewsky
Judge (Uncertified)


Possibility Storm and playing a card face down

You will get a creature.

Moving an object, then doing something based on that object is a frequent interaction. In these cases, the rule is that you're looking at the object as it was in the previous zone, unless it doesn't make sense. If all you require is information from the object, then you use the object in the previous zone (and accordingly its last known information since it was most likely moved).

Daniel Kitachewsky
L3, Paris, France
Rules NetRep