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New RC in France!

Dec. 8, 2013 02:25:07 PM

Cristiana Dionisio
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

New RC in France!

Hi all,
after years of dedication to France as RC, Alexis Rassel is now busy with his personal life and he is willing to focus elsewhere, even if is great contribution as L3 will remain.

France needs a new leader and a guide.

Guillaume Beuzelin's involvement in his community has been noticed and appreciated.
For this reason, I've asked Guillaume to become RC and he has accepted.

Regional Coordinators belong to the definition of Senior Judges.
RCs are gaining more and more importance in the global vision, RCs are leaders, glue, they cooperate with their local L3+ and with others
RCs. They inspire, guide and improve their communities. They are included in the RC mailing list for discussions, suggestions, decisions and announcements.
Guillaume is now ready to take this role and he is very excited to begin!

Alexis, thank you very much for what you have done for France!
Welcome and good luck Guillaume!

Cristiana Dionisio, L4 Italy
RCs Coordinator