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Rules Q&A » Post: Gadwick, the Wizened

Gadwick, the Wizened

Sept. 11, 2019 07:37:26 PM

Stephen Hagan
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy)), Scorekeeper

USA - Central

Gadwick, the Wizened

Gadwick has been officially spoiled so this obviously might be a wait for the FAQ situation. But it could also be upcoming errata situation so wanted to make sure it was seen.
Gadwick, the Wizeneds ability for drawing is a trigger and by 107.3f under the current rules he doesn't work.

Comparisons can be made to Venarian Gold and Endless Scream which both use different wordings to fix the issue.

If noone can comment yet I understand, just wanted to point it out. As I said could be a rule change/FAQ issue or could be errata.

Sept. 17, 2019 11:47:36 PM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Northwest

Gadwick, the Wizened


As confirmed by the Rules Manager on Twitter (, there will be an upcoming rules change to make this work.

Sure it works. The rules just have to account for it, which they never have had to until now. Chamber Sentry broke down the barrier first, but I couldn't really write the rule for it at the time flexibly enough without giving this away.

In general, if you see a spoiled card and think “That doesn't work under the current rules”, well, cards in new sets are not designed to work under the current rules. They work with the future version of the Comp Rules that will be posted closer to the set release, and that update will make Gadwick work as intended.

Nathan Long
Magic Rules NetRep