Policy release notes

Clarifying how policy interacts with new cards and mechanics.

Project Manager: Alfonso Bueno
Public: Yes
Alignment: Sphere Project - Tournament Policy
(Lead: Toby Elliott )

Project Description


With new mechanics and new cards, it's normal finding situations that are not crystal clearly covered by the rules. This is not a flaw on the documents; it's caused because we judge a game with almost infinite possibilities. We would like to analyze such situations (together with the Policy Sphere and GPHJs), in order to facilitate judges (at the premier tournaments and at store tournaments) applying consistent rulings and fixes.



In order to identify questions needing answers we would ask help from the community on the Competitive REL forum some weeks before the release of the set, when we already have some spoilers on-line.



Previous releases:
GUILDS OF RAVNICA https://apps.magicjudges.org/forum/topic/46404/


Project Members

Name Level Location Role
Alfonso Bueno Level 3 (International Judge Program) Iberia Admin
Toby Elliott Level 3 (Judge Academy) USA - Northeast Member Ex Officio
Kevin Desprez Level 3 (Judge Academy) France Member
Florian Horn Level 3 (International Judge Program) France Member
Riccardo Tessitori Level 3 (International Judge Program) Iberia Member