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Judging Technology » Post: MTG: Judge Core App for Android

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

Dec. 6, 2012 10:52:35 PM

April King
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Plains

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

Can you just provide the APK online, and not in a zip file? That way I (and everybody) could just type the URL into our Android phone, and have it install directly from your website without the intermediary steps.


Dec. 13, 2012 01:12:15 PM

Andrew Teo
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

Southeast Asia

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

Parent post in this thread has been updated. :)

Dec. 17, 2012 03:39:16 PM

Andrew Teo
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

Southeast Asia

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

This should be the final update to the app for now.
Once there are no more issues sent to me regarding this app, I'll put it up on the Play Store as a free app.

Update 17/12:
Minor changes.
- Add-On section has been modified to better reflect the apps available as external add-ons should the need arise for more detailed usage
- Database minor update
- Fixed minor bugs

Full details and updated APK can be found on the top post.

Dec. 19, 2012 03:30:05 AM

Erik Halverson
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

Hey Andrew.

Been using the app for a bit, and it seems really good.

One minor issue to report. I'm on a Virgin mobile optimus slider. If I attempt to view some of the content in landscape mode, the views become distorted, and a little bit of the bottom of the image is cut off.

If not clear, I can post screen shots later.

Dec. 19, 2012 09:52:37 AM

Andrew Teo
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

Southeast Asia

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

Hi Erik, it would be good to know which sections are displaying incorrectly in landscape mode, and what version of Android your slider is running on, so that I can pinpoint the issue and try to resolve it.

Edited Andrew Teo (Dec. 19, 2012 09:53:10 AM)

Dec. 19, 2012 10:26:45 AM

Martha Lufkin
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Midatlantic

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

Apparently I can run Android for Nook on my Nook Tablet via a micro SD card:

As I understand it, the table boots to the SD card, then lets me shop on Google Play. So let me know when the judge app is ready to go, meanwhile I'm ordering one of these micro cards.

Dec. 19, 2012 11:10:10 AM

Andrew Teo
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

Southeast Asia

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

Hi Martha, you might want to hold back on that order for now if it's just for this app, as I understand that the Nook's an e-reader, so not all apps might be available or can be used from the Play Store for it.

Edited Andrew Teo (Dec. 19, 2012 02:11:15 PM)

Dec. 19, 2012 08:33:34 PM

Erik Halverson
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

Originally posted by Andrew Teo:

Hi Erik, it would be good to know which sections are displaying incorrectly in landscape mode, and what version of Android your slider is running on, so that I can pinpoint the issue and try to resolve it.

Android 2.3.4

Any image under the ‘Main Items’ section. Examples are:

Layers / Casting Spells
Resolving Spells / Copiable Characteristics
Types of Information
Head Judge Announcement
Reviews / Feedback

These are the ones I have noticed.

Another thought I had for a neat feature would be a countdown timer, which could be used for match time, draft time, etc… as well as a countdown timer for called draft picks.

Dec. 19, 2012 10:14:39 PM

Martha Lufkin
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Midatlantic

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

Originally posted by Andrew Teo:

you might want to hold back on that order for now if it's just for this app, as I understand that the Nook's an e-reader, so not all apps might be available or can be used from the Play Store for it.

My Nook can use wifi to reach the internet. If I understand the website correctly ( when I use the micro SD cart to boot into Android OS I'll have something like an Android device that can't make phone calls or take photos. I'm willing to sink $20 into the experiment.

Dec. 20, 2012 10:57:47 AM

Andrew Teo
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

Southeast Asia

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

Originally posted by Erik Halverson:

Android 2.3.4

Any image under the ‘Main Items’ section. Examples are:

Layers / Casting Spells
Resolving Spells / Copiable Characteristics
Types of Information
Head Judge Announcement
Reviews / Feedback
Hey Erik, I've fixed up on the scaling issues for the images when the device gets rotated to landscape mode. Try it and let me know if the problem still persists.

Originally posted by Erik Halverson:

Another thought I had for a neat feature would be a countdown timer, which could be used for match time, draft time, etc… as well as a countdown timer for called draft picks.
I don't think I'll be working on this, as there are many free stopwatch/countdown apps available in Google Play that can be used for the very same purpose.

Martha Lufkin
My Nook can use wifi to reach the internet. If I understand the website correctly ( when I use the micro SD cart to boot into Android OS I'll have something like an Android device that can't make phone calls or take photos. I'm willing to sink $20 into the experiment.
True, you do make a point there. I'm more concerned about how it's going to handle internal storage space and external storage space, considering now it's booting off an external storage media. Probably going to get messy, I guess.

If there are no more issues after the most recent Erik's feedback, I'll be putting it up on the Play Store within the week I guess. Wish me luck *crosses fingers*

Latest app is updated on the first post of the thread, as usual. :)

Edited Andrew Teo (Dec. 20, 2012 10:59:28 AM)

Dec. 20, 2012 02:49:54 PM

Andrew Teo
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

Southeast Asia

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

Originally posted by Ryan Rubley:

Can you add a feature so I can long-press a section of rules and have it copied to the clipboard? :)
Sure, the link is back up with the latest updates added.

Sorry for the multiple updates today.
Final is up on first post of this thread, unless something crops up again.

- Fixed display issues when rotated to landscape mode
- Added longpress feature to part of the rules so that it copies that paragraph.
- Removed a major debugging class that was left unnoticed which could compromise the performance of the app

Edited Andrew Teo (Dec. 20, 2012 04:15:40 PM)

Dec. 22, 2012 06:13:47 AM

Lyle Waldman
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Eastern Provinces

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

I downloaded this app previously, but I formatted my phone a couple weeks ago. I'm just a little wary of downloading apps via APK (particularly since I don't know when/if I'll be able to update via the App Store if I install via APK); do we have an ETA on getting it on the App Store?

Dec. 22, 2012 05:08:56 PM

Andrew Teo
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

Southeast Asia

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

No problem Lyle, I understand the wariness involved, as I'm a bit skeptical on direct APK from an unknown source.
It should be up by the end of next week 29 Dec 2012 as I'm giving it one more week to settle in with the latest updates to see if there are any more error reports. :)

There will be a posting here once the item's up on Play.

Dec. 23, 2012 07:10:02 AM

Lyle Waldman
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Eastern Provinces

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

Originally posted by Andrew Teo:

No problem Lyle, I understand the wariness involved, as I'm a bit skeptical on direct APK from an unknown source.
It should be up by the end of next week 29 Dec 2012 as I'm giving it one more week to settle in with the latest updates to see if there are any more error reports. :)

There will be a posting here once the item's up on Play.

Sweet, thanks!

Dec. 26, 2012 12:18:49 AM

Elliot Van Wormer
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific Northwest

MTG: Judge Core App for Android

Installed it last night on my Samsung Stratosphere. Works great! Will use every chance I get! Thank you very much!