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Judge level expired incorrectly or "misteriously"

July 1, 2015 07:41:36 PM

Nicolau Maldonado
Judge (Uncertified)


Judge level expired incorrectly or "misteriously"

A level 1 judge from Brazil approached me with an issue. His level on Center was set to 0 and he does not know why. He certified november last year and has been judging PPTQs ever since.

He discovered this because his level on Apps was also reccentely set from “1” to “uncertified”. This happened because I complied a list of 6 level 0s on Judge Center that were still L1+ on Apps, as Apps doesn't automatically updates judge levels, they need to be manually updated. This judge was on the list, which I sent to my RC so he could adjust these judges levels.

I am aware a person's information on Judge Center might be outdated, since it is refreshed when that person logs in, as was pointed out to me in this thread. However, this judge says he constantly logged into Judge Center and his level was always 1, until last month.

He doesn't seem to fit the “12 motnhs” expiration date, so I'm a bit confused.

The question is: why was his level taken on Judge Center?

July 1, 2015 09:32:45 PM

Peter Richmond
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Pacific Northwest

Judge level expired incorrectly or "misteriously"

I would submit feedback via the Feedback tab on the Judge Center. This will help issues like this reach the team who runs the Judge Center more quickly, and theyll probably have more info on the issue.

July 1, 2015 09:40:06 PM

Gareth Tanner
Judge (Level 2 (UK Magic Officials))

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Judge level expired incorrectly or "misteriously"

Have them email Andy Heckt direct.

July 1, 2015 09:46:04 PM

Kevin Binswanger
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southwest

Judge level expired incorrectly or "misteriously"

Don't e-mail Andy directly. For concerns like that, please work through
your Regional Coordinator.

July 2, 2015 12:27:37 PM

Brian Schenck
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Midatlantic

Judge level expired incorrectly or "misteriously"

Kevin and Peter are correct, though I recommend going to RCs as the second step.

The first step should be to submit feedback in the Judge Center. The reason the judge's level might show as 0 could be simple: The person just hasn't logged in, and the Judge Center hasn't synced with the membership database to update that person's level. If I get feedback in the Judge Center, and get the person's DCI#, then I can do a manual refresh of the person's profile. That manual refresh fixes this “problem” in 95% of all instances.

The remaining 5% of instances comes down to a bit of investigation. For example, checking the review to make sure it was submitted for the right person. (A relatively high percentage of Level 2+ judges still use names when submitting advancement reviews, and I have to fix between 1-5 every week.) If it was submitted for the right person, then it may be that a re-submission of the review will fix the issue. If it was not submitted for the right person, then the review needs to be corrected and other steps taken.

Provided I have accurate information in the feedback thread (e.g., DCI# of person, Review ID#, Exam ID#), then it should take under a half hour to make sure everything else is correct. A lack of information and need to gather more information is usually what causes this to take longer. Especially when I detect this through routine checks for new Level 2 judges and setting their permissions in the Judge Center.

If it is truly necessary, then I will work with Andy and/or WotC technical people to resolve more serious issues.

July 2, 2015 12:45:04 PM

Brian Schenck
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Midatlantic

Judge level expired incorrectly or "misteriously"

The second step I alluded to, but overlooked actually discussing, is more for when an active judge's activity may not be properly reported from the events they are judging. Somehow it seems that WER does have bugs with that, or it could be that the wrong DCI# is being reported for the judge, in which case this is something the RC is better equipped to handle. Mostly because they have their own channels to communicste with organizers or check on the event history.

So, in the OP's circumstances (if everything in thenJudge Center has been previously checked and is known to be accurate) then this should be referred to the judge's RC.

July 2, 2015 07:46:33 PM

Nicolau Maldonado
Judge (Uncertified)


Judge level expired incorrectly or "misteriously"

Thanks for the replies, everyone! I'll forward this to the judge!