2018 BeNeLux 1-Day Conference

Organizer: Richard Drijvers
Judge manager: Richard Drijvers
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: Mixed Formats
Event date(s): Nov. 17, 2018
Location: Ghent, Belgium
Venue: Outpost GameCenter Ghent
Ottergemsesteenweg 13
9000 Ghent
+32 (0)9 245 44 84
Applications accepted through: Nov. 5, 2018

Event Information

BeNeLux 1-Day Judge Conference 

17 November 2018

The conference will start on Saturday morning at 10.00 hours and end around 18.00 hours.

There will be no entry fee involved. However, you will have to arrange for your own LUNCH.

The venue will be Outpost GameCenter in Ghent.
For details, see the venue information.

This day will be filled with seminars, workshops, discussions. If you'd like to hear/see a specific topic, please let us know in your application.
There is a maximum capacity of 32 attendees, so please apply sooner, rather than later.
You're welcome to stay after the conference has finished. There will be plenty options for dinner nearby.

10:00 - 10:15   Welcome by Richard Drijvers
10:15 - 11:00   Hi, my name is... by Niels Viaene
Introduction to the region, with strategy for 2019 and beyond. Finished off with an AMA-session.
11:00 - 11:15    Break

11:15 - 12:00    Game Play Errors by Rory Tans 
L1 judges usually judge regular local events. Where I'm from rules knowledge is abundant, but the IPG proves to be more difficult. While this is to be expected, as a L1 you are not required to learn the IPG, this isn't ideal. At a competititve tournament you want to be fair for your players. In my seminar I want to talk about the most common part of the IPG you will run into at a competitive REL tournament, game play errors
12:05 - 12:50    Policy (Update)! by Emilien Wild
To adapt to new sets released and to improve existing documents, we regularly update our policies. This requires to learn and understand these updates, which is easier and more fun to do together than by yourself!
We'll go into the undergrowth with Charnel Troll, discuss about taksies backsies and backups, talk about up to one Tefeiri, reset penalties, partial fix two things at once, and even go into the corner cases of Unified Constructed.
13:00 - 14:30    Lunch
14:30 - 15:30    Talking to Players by Floris de Baerdemaeker
Hello! Are you a judge? A magic judge? Have you also noticed it is getting harder and harder to avoid players? How long can you ignore a judge call before it becomes awkward? Do players have the audacity to come over to talk to you when you are just minding your own business? Or maybe you actually like talking to players and you became a judge because you wanted to help people? In either case, this seminar is for you! In a number of scenarios we will look at how you, as a judge, are perceived by the players and the effect that can have on your tournament. Volunteers will improvise a scenario and then we will give feedback as a group. You may encounter situations that will be new to you and that you are still unequipped to handle. You will encounter them in a safe space, however, where you don't need to worry about any consequences - there are none! - and you can just try things and hopefully we can all learn from each other!
15:45 - 16:45    Interaction of Continuous Effects by Michiel van den Bussche
Layers are a complicated part of the rules that often confuses players and up and coming Judges. These rules themselves are short enough to fit on a piece of paper, yet mastery is far from trivial. This seminar aims to help you understand, and offers a heuristic on how to solve them.
17:00 - 17:50    Working in Teams by Jona Bemindt
By far most of the tournaments we run are small tournaments that only require a single judge. But what about the bigger tournaments? With GP's still around, and PTQ's coming back for a vengeance, now is the perfect time to take a look at how to work in a team, what the different roles are, and what we can do to make everybody's life easier. There will be examples on how to prepare for the role, how to get feedback from your peers and team leads, as well as time for any questions you might have about judging at larger tournaments.
18:00    Wrap up with foils

Outpost GameCenter
Ottergemsesteenweg 13
9000 Ghent

As you can see in the schedule, there's a 90min break to enable you to get lunch. Once again, lunch is NOT included.
(Drinks during the breaks are included.)

Sorry for the late notice, but I had serious problems to obtain a venue. Hopefully things will be better next time.

Best wishes,
Richard Drijvers
(Ex-)BeNeLux Regional Judge Coordinator

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Jona Bemindt
Level 3 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Attendee
Niels Viaene
Level 3 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Attendee
Emilien Wild
Level 3 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Attendee
Floris De Baerdemaeker
Level 2 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Attendee
Arjen de Jong
Level 2 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Attendee
Cécile Denaux
Level 2 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Attendee
Mark Dragstra
Level 2 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Attendee
Jonas Drieghe
Level 2 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Attendee
Toby Hazes
Level 2 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Attendee
Rory Tans
Level 2 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Attendee
Michiel Van den Bussche
Level 2 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Attendee
Boyan Bosschem
Level 1 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Attendee
Anouk Burny
Level 1 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Attendee
Dries Cappaert
Level 1 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Attendee
Jeffrey Coremans
Level 1 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Attendee
Pascal Gemis
Level 1 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Attendee
Laurent Jaminet
Level 1 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Attendee
Sabrina Kool
Level 1 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Attendee
Lars Leenen
Level 1 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Attendee
Axel Pieterse
Level 1 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Attendee
Jochem van 't Hull
Level 1 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Attendee
Quinten van de Vrie
Level 1 (International Judge Program) BeNeLux Attendee
Alexander Van den Bon
Level 1 (Judge Academy) BeNeLux Attendee
Richard Drijvers
Uncertified BeNeLux Staff
Thomas Kelleter
Uncertified BeNeLux Attendee
Frederik Mortier
Uncertified BeNeLux Attendee
Kenneth Pletinckx
Uncertified BeNeLux Attendee
Stacy Roekens
Uncertified BeNeLux Attendee
Sean Van Osselaer
Uncertified BeNeLux Attendee
Olivier Wattel
Uncertified BeNeLux Attendee