Metro Modern Cup

Organizer: SCL Events in Collaboration with Block 101 Hobby Shop
Judge manager: John Reuben Ferrer
Event type: Other
Format: Modern
Event date(s): Dec. 15, 2018
Location: Mandaluyong, Philippines
Venue: Estancia Mall - Mandaluyong
Applications accepted through: Nov. 11, 2018

Event Information

Greetings Judges and Tournament Organizers


SCL Events in Collaboration with Block 101 Hobby Store presents the 2018 Metro Modern Cup. 
The main event is a big prize modern tournament while there will also be side events for Legacy and EDH.

We are expecting approximately 150 players for the main event and 32 players for each of the side events.


Duties and Responsibilities 

Judges are expected to be as professional as possible and maybe expected to do some or all of the following tasks:

Watch matches

Collaborating and giving feedback to the TO to ensure a good event experience for players
Answer rules questions

Perform deck checks

Post pairings

Distribute result slips

Issue penalties



Along with normal judge duties, we will also be helping with set-up and clean-up as well as promoting the tournament to ensure a good turnout. 

For this event, SCL events will be providing us with non-judge tournament support. The tournament organizers can be relied upon to distribute and collect slips, post pairings and other tasks which do not require the expertise of a judge. It is also for this reason that the TO insists to work with a smaller judge pool. 

Specific Roles 


The are two roles available for the event. JUDGE LEAD and FLOOR JUDGE. 

On top of the functions listed above, a judge lead (L2+) is expected to be familiar with the functions of different teams at large events. He will also take over head judging the main event for 1hr while the head judge is on break. For the Legacy and EDH side events, the Judge Lead will be the first choice as head judge but this responsibility may be delegated to a floor judge who wishes to take it on. 




Judge Lead (L2+)

1200 PHP + 1/2 BOX **


Floor Judge (L1 to L2)

1000 PHP + 1/3 BOX **


** All refreshments will be provided by the TO. All judge staff will receive an FNM Promo Packet from Block 101 containing an assortment of promo cards. 

** We are looking for 1 JUDGE LEAD and 2 FLOOR JUDGES



We will be using the SEA Judge Shirt for the event. Should you need to borrow a shirt for the event, kindly indicate this in your cover letter as well along with your shirt size so that we can source a shirt for you.


Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
John Reuben Ferrer
Level 4 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Head Judge
Ian Mervin Go
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Team Lead
Dominic Yu Ping Kun
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Allen Vincent Balean
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Southeast Asia Floor Judge
Genico Boy
Uncertified Southeast Asia Tournament Organizer
Daryl Anthony Chiu
Uncertified Southeast Asia Staff
Miguel Sigfrid Ongtao
Uncertified Southeast Asia Staff