RPTQ Hong Kong

Organizer: Basic Land
Judge manager: Joe Lau
Event type: Regional Pro Tour Qualifier
REL: Competitive
Format: Standard
Event date(s): March 9, 2019-March 10, 2019
Location: Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Venue: Kowloon bay International Trading and Exhibitions Centre
Applications accepted through: Feb. 13, 2019

Event Information

We are looking for 4-5 judges to judge the RPTQ held in March. Level 2+ will have priority and we may also consider experience L1 who is working on next level. All applicants must be able to communicate and make rulings in English. Chinese and/or Cantonese speaker is preferred.

You are expected to work from 0900 to 1800 on the day with 1.5 hour break throughout the day  (1 hour lunch break and 1 30-minutes or 2 15-minutes break). Lunch will be provided by organizer. 

L2+ will received 36 boosters for compensation 

L1 will received 18 boosters for compensation 

extra boosters may be given if you are travel from cities other than Hong Kong. Please contact with Joe (hylau_joe@yahoo.com.hk) before you apply in that case.

Application window will be closed earlier than the designated time if we’ve accepted number of judges needed.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Joe Lau
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Greater China Staff
Gary Wong
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Greater China Floor Judge
Nash Yu
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Greater China Floor Judge
Wing Hang Poon
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Greater China Floor Judge
Winnie Yau
Uncertified Greater China Floor Judge