Morehead Judge Conference Mock Tournament

Organizer: Alecia Devney
Judge manager: Ash White
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: No Format
Event date(s): April 13, 2019
Location: Morehead, Kentucky, United States
Venue: Broken Door Games
111 B West Main St
Morehead, Kentucky
Applications accepted through: March 9, 2019

Event Information

Event Information- Great Lakes Morehead, Kentucky Area Conference- April 13, 2019

We are excited to present an opportunity for judges to come and join us in this exciting experience to learn and grow on skills seen in Competitive REL.

This conference will be set up Mock Tournament style. What this means is that judges who have Competitive REL experience will play the role as players in a event and the other attendees will play their role as judges and take judge calls from the "players". The "players" will then give feed back to the Judge who took the call telling them what they did right and what else they could improve on. 

I would also like to have some presenters before we do the mock tournament to allow everyone to learn something that they didnt know befor that could help them in the future. 

This Conference is limited to 30 attendees.

This number includes 1 organizer and 5 presenters.


This is geared towards more of our local judges but please still do apply if you are interested! In your application please include what you are most excited about hearing and what you hope to learn from this event.

If you are interested in presenting please make note in your application of this AND email me with your topics. If you do not email me I will not be able to consider you as a presenter role.

My email

Who is this intended for?

This is intended for all Judge Levels. The primary focus is for L1s who have never experienced Competitive REL so they can gain more experience and help events run smoothly.

I would like to host a Lunch afterwards but we can discuss that the closer we get to the date of the event.

Presentation Agenda

Each presentation will be alloted 50 minutes. Presenters are encouraged to have a Q&A session factored in to time. A 10 minute break will happen between each presentation.

Time exstensions may vary.

1.) 12:00 - Registation Begins

12:30 - Introduction

2.) 12:45 - Ben Litz Deck Checks

1:35 - James Risner Handling Slips

2:25 - Richard Staley Customer Service

3.) 3:15 Lunch

4.) 4:15 Mock tournament

*Foils only available to all certified judges participating in the event. Foils will be handed out at the end of event. Judges must sign the presentation sheet that will circulate prior to each presentation

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
John Temple
Level 3 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Attendee
David Elden
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Ben Litz
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - South Central Presenter
Benjamin Lurie
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Great Lakes Attendee
James Risner
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - South Central Presenter
Alex Hopper
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - South Central Attendee
Richard Staley
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - South Central Presenter
Ash White
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Midatlantic Staff
Zachary Barnett
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Attendee
Jenna Latimer
Uncertified USA - South Central Attendee
Michael Miles
Uncertified USA - South Central Attendee