2019 Asian L2+ Judge Conference

Organizer: Asian regional committee
Judge manager: Mitsunori Makino
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: No Format
Event date(s): May 18, 2019-May 19, 2019
Location: Okinawa, Japan
Venue: Venue / AirBnB:
壺川ビル3階 Tsubogawa Building 3rd floor.
7-4 2chome Tsubokawa Naha Okinawa
〒900-0025 沖縄県那覇市壺川2丁目7−4
Applications accepted through: March 15, 2019

Event Information

Welcome to the very first Asian L2+ conference in 2019!

This will be the first time we try to gather all the Asian judges together in a conference. Considered about the geographical  location, visa issue and budget, we’re glad to let you know that the first Asian L2+ will be taken place in Okinawa!
This conference is co-organized by Japan, South East Asia and Greater China region. We plan to do this annually so any of your suggestions or feedback will be very welcomed! This conference will be a two day conference from 5/18-5/19, which was the weekend of MF Kitakyushu. The conference will be more focus on L2 oriented topics, so if there’s anything you are interested in, please list them in your cover letter! The conference will be in English, but we’re also trying to figuring out having Japanese/Chinese translations (more details TBD)
The fee will be ¥18000 Japanese Yen, which includes three nights (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) of lodging and Saturday dinner. Judges from South East Asia please contact Wearn and contact Hans if you are from Greater China. If you are not staying on Friday or Sunday night, the fee will be deducted for 2000 yen for each night, but please indicate that in your cover letter as well.) Please also indicate your food preferences/allergies if there’s any.
Please note that by signing up for the conference, you will have to pay for the conference fee even if you are unable to attend.

Food menu

やっぱり壺味 Yappari Tsubo Aji (Izakaya)
200m away from the venue
booked on 19:00 Sat 


Venue / AirBnB: 
壺川ビル3階 Tsubogawa Building 3rd floor.
7-4 2chome Tsubokawa Naha Okinawa
〒900-0025 沖縄県那覇市壺川2丁目7−4

Foil support and Application Deadline

Please note you have to apply by the deadline of 28th Feb 2019 to be eligible for conference support.
Judges attend this conference will get pack of the normal judge conference foil pack: If you are selected for presenter, you’ll get an extra pack. Given this is a special conference, we’re working on getting extra foil supports for all the attendees.
Do remember that this conference is only open to L2+ judges.

Presentation Schedule

Exact schedule will be published once we have confirmed all our presenters. We will tentatively start at 9am ending at 6pm.


If you have any questions please your Regional Coordinator an email or contact us via Facebook or WhatsApp.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Mitsunori Makino
Level 5 (International Judge Program) Japan Staff
Asuka Nagashima
Level 5 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
John Reuben Ferrer
Level 4 (International Judge Program) Asia Attendee
Hidekazu Fujii
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
Takuma Itoh
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
Wendra Djati Kamadjaja
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Asia Attendee
Shoya Kato
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
Inhwan Kim
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Asia Attendee
Hiroshi Makita
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
Eiji Miyahara
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
Satoshi Oishi
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
QJ Wong
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Asia Attendee
Daichi Yamamoto
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
Jin Arai
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
Naoto Chinen
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
Katsuhisa Kanazawa
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
Joe Lau
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Asia Attendee
Shinpei Ohkawa
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
Tomiyuki Yano
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
Kazuyuki Ishikawa
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
Hirotsugu Kondo
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
Wella Anne Ladera
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Asia Attendee
Hiroshi Yamada
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Japan Attendee
Nash Yu
Level 1 (International Judge Program) Asia Attendee
Wearn Chong
Uncertified Asia Staff
sha dong
Uncertified Asia Attendee
Hao Du
Uncertified Asia Attendee
Wang Fang
Uncertified Asia Attendee
Shing Nien Fong
Uncertified Asia Attendee
Masayuki Kaneko
Uncertified Japan Attendee
Chien Lin Fu
Uncertified Asia Attendee
Toshihisa Mitsunaga
Uncertified Japan Attendee
Kwok Yang Neo
Uncertified Asia Attendee
Ken Sawada
Uncertified Japan Attendee
Yi Shen
Uncertified Asia Attendee
Chih-hao Tseng
Uncertified Asia Attendee
Hans Wang
Uncertified Asia Staff
Ryuji Yano
Uncertified Japan Attendee
Yu Win Yew
Uncertified Asia Attendee