Gothcon 2019

Organizer: Mindstage
Judge manager: Patrik Fridland
Event type: Other
Format: Mixed Formats
Event date(s): April 18, 2019-April 21, 2019
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Venue: Hvitfeldtska gymnasiet
Applications accepted through: March 25, 2019

Event Information

It's that time of the year again. It's GothCon time.
As always we are looking for Judges for the weekend.
We start thursday and end sunday.

The weekend will include a lot of diffrent format and will be held at both competetiv and regular REL.

Compensation will be 24boosters of latest standard set per judge and full shift worked.
All judges will recive entry to the convenstion.

We need a few judges for full shift and some flex shifts (Work half a shift, have some hours not working then come back an finish the shift)

Cover letter:
Include why we should pick you, what your goals are for the weekend, how do you feel about judgeing at competetiv REL. And if you have any special requests.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
John Eriksson
Level 3 (Judge Academy) Europe - North Attendee
John Barkestedt
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Europe - North Floor Judge
Jesper Berntsson
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Europe - North Standby
Patrik Fridland
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Europe - North Judge Manager
Jakob Lernhage
Level 2 (Judge Academy) Europe - North Floor Judge
Alexander Csanady
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Europe - North Floor Judge
Linus Edquist
Level 1 (International Judge Program) USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Daniel Serrano
Level 1 (Judge Academy) Europe - North Floor Judge
Thea Dabrowska
Uncertified Europe - North Floor Judge
Linda Johansson
Uncertified Europe - North Floor Judge
Niklas Killander
Uncertified Europe - North Floor Judge
William Ljungberg
Uncertified Europe - North Tournament Organizer
Jacob Møller Jensen
Uncertified Europe - North Scorekeeper
Daniel Semcesen
Uncertified Europe - North Floor Judge