NorCal Mock Tournament

Organizer: EJ Drew
Judge manager: EJ Drew
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: Sealed Deck
Event date(s): May 19, 2019
Location: Santa Clara, California, United States
Venue: Channel Fireball Game Center, 1171 Homestead Rd #170, Santa Clara CA 95050
Applications accepted through: May 3, 2019

Event Information


The lack of large tournaments on the West Coast has reduced opportunities for event mentorship and training.  To remedy this, the format of our Spring Judge Conference will be a mock Competitive Rules Enforcement Tournament.

What is this event?

This conference will be run as a large tournament. The format of the tournament will be 4 pack sealed and will be 4 rounds. There will be different teams of judges (deck checks, logistics, paper, end of round) with team leads and a head judge. At the end of each round will be a team debrief where "lessons learned" during the round will be shared and we can discuss best practices.

Who Can Participate?


All certified judges are encouraged to attend and participate. If you have a preference for roles, please note it in your cover letter.


If applying for Head Judge or Team Lead, there will be some pre-event work required from you. You will be expected to prepare for these roles as if this were an actual large competitive event. The conference organizers will work closely with you to make sure you have the tools you need.

Players (attendees) will be participating in the tournament. They will also participate in the team debriefs that will happen at the end of each round. If you apply as a player you will not be participating as a judge.

Presenters will also be players in the tournament but will have a unique role during the tournament. Presenters will have specific scenarios that they will run during the tournament. Scenarios will include rules questions, policy scenarios and investigations. We are looking for people who are experienced at running/judging competitive level events.

Presenters will have pre-conference work and preparation to do and will be working closely with the conference organizers and other presenters to make sure we have a large pool of scenarios to run.

Will there be foils?

Since this is an official regional conference, there will be foil support. Foil support is only for applicants who are accepted to the conference and who are certified judges at the time their application is accepted.


Please use this opportunity to receive feedback on your cover letter.  Apply to this event as though you were applying and wanting to work a large event.  Please include your goals, experience, and other skills that would encourage a Tournament Organizer to staff you.


Host: Channel Fireball Game Center, 1171 Homestead Rd #170, Santa Clara CA 95050

Date: Sunday, May 19th

Time: 11:00 AM

Length: Anticipated to last 8 hours with a lunch break


Have more questions!

All questions should be directed to, conference coordinators EJ Drew, Eric Kubo, Norcal Coordinator Travis Lauro, or Regional Coordinator Angela Chandler.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Travis Lauro
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) Canada - Western Provinces Staff
Daniel Lee
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Presenter
Eliana Rabinowitz
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Staff
Ralph Colby
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Team Lead
Thomas Conmy
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Kayla Davison
Level 2 (International Judge Program) France Floor Judge
David Delgado
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Player
Brian Dombroski
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Presenter
Charles Ferguson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Presenter
Xander Forral
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Presenter
Eric Kubo
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Staff
Chia Lee
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Sam Lewis
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Head Judge
Jonathan Ma
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Presenter
Kyle McQuilkin
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Presenter
Chuck Pierce
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Player
Joshua Silvestri
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Player
Tyler Simmons
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Midatlantic Floor Judge
Ben Yan Hao Tai
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Player
Adam White
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Team Lead
Liam Binell
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Don Bui
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Player
Sal Cortez
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Player
Thomas DiRocco
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
EJ Drew
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Staff
Craig Henderson
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Tim Langermann
Level 1 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific West Player
Jonathan Ma
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Player
Andrew Murch
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Player
Matthew Pence
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Player
John Rowe
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Zachary Shapiro
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Player
Christopher Trent
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Brian Weinreich
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Harrison Bates
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
John Calderwood
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Player
Joshua Gang
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Team Lead
Nathan Glade
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Player
Zack Levine
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Floor Judge
Yichin Liu
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Player