IQ at Wasteland Games

Organizer: Wasteland Games
Judge manager: Adam Blaylock
Event type: Star City Games IQ
REL: Competitive
Format: Standard
Event date(s): April 7, 2019
Location: Duluth, Georgia, United States
Venue: Wasteland Games
3700 Satellite Blvd #7B
Duluth, GA 30096
Applications accepted through: April 1, 2019

Event Information

Thank you for your interest in events at Wasteland Games, in Duluth Georgia! We are looking for floor judges to make this Invitational Qualifier a success. Staff will be selected with a desire to mix newer L1 judges and more experienced judges.

Staff for this event will consist of:

One Floor Judges
One Standby (To be activated at a player threshhold to be set after staffing)


The event will be Standard format, and run swiss rounds as recommended by the MTR, with a cut to Top 8.


Floor Judge: $100 Cash

Standby Judge: $100 if activated; free entry in the position is not activated



Judges are expected to be on-site, in judge uniform, at 9:00 am. Floor judges should plan to stay until the Top 4 begins.

Judges are expected to be familiar with the IPG, MTR and Comp Rules.

Expected uniform is:


Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Adam Blaylock
Level 3 (Judge Foundry) USA - Pacific Northwest Staff
Addison Baldree
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Southeast Floor Judge
Evan Schultz
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Southeast Standby