Mythic Championship Qualifier for MC Barcelona - Minneapolis

Organizer: Dreamers Vault Games
Judge manager: Rob McKenzie
Event type: Mythic Championship Qualifier
REL: Competitive
Format: Standard
Event date(s): June 15, 2019
Location: Bloomington, Minnesota, United States
Venue: Crown Aire Plaza
3 Appletree Square
Bloomington, MN 55425 US
Applications accepted through: June 1, 2019

Event Information



Greetings everyone,

Dreamers Vault is organizing the first Mythic Championship Qualifier in Minnesota, on June 15th.

You can find general details on these qualifiers here:

This is an event that is capped at 226 players.  We expect to hit this cap.

As a result, there is no standby, and we are staffing for 226 players.

Your head judge is me, Rob McKenzie.  We would like 7 additional judges.  If you are interested in scorekeeping, please contact me directly - we have a planned scorekeeper, but we are willing to entertain other options.


The comp for this event is level based.

Level 2 judges will get 54 packs.

Level 1 judges will get 36 packs.

This can be converted to store credit for either Dreamers Vault or Lotus Vault.  Please talk to Jason about this conversion, he will handle that if desired.

Lunch will be provided for all staff, and a second set of food will be provided for anyone that is working the top 8.

Call time for all staff is 9am.  We will need at least one volunteer for the top 8 - this is something we can discuss on site to make sure this is covered adequately.


If you are applying to work this event and you are coming from further away (like Madison or Sioux Falls...or further!) send me an email.  I will either put you up at my house for a night or two or find a place for you to stay.  We will also work out your travel cost.


This is going to be one of the first flagship events of this type in the North.  I would love to have a rockstar team so we can demonstrate again that we run some of the best events in the world, and can keep getting events like this regularly.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to me and I'll do my best to address them, including bringing them up with Jason.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Rob McKenzie
Level 5 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Head Judge
Erick Carlsted
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Mike Combs
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Patrick Cool
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Scorekeeper
Joshua Marin
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Andy Peterson
Level 2 (Judge Foundry) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Ryan Nelson
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Jaeden Woltjer
Level 1 (Judge Academy) USA - Plains Floor Judge
Jason Webster
Uncertified USA - Plains Tournament Organizer