MagicFest Barcelona 2019 Leadership CORE

Organizer: CFB Events
Judge manager: CFBEvents Staff Manager
Event type: Grand Prix
REL: Competitive/Professional (GP)
Format: Modern
Event date(s): July 26, 2019-July 28, 2019
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Venue: Fira Barcelona Gran Via
Av. Joan Carles I, 64
08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat Barcelona
Applications accepted through: May 3, 2019

Event Information


Experienced team members capable of leading on the MagicFest floor are crucial to running an excellent event, and CFB Events is excited to invite you to join our onsite leadership team for MagicFest Barcelona. Please take note that ALL leadership positions for MagicFest Barcelona will be filled through this CORE application; there will NOT be an opportunity to apply for a leadership position through the individual event application.


Please be sure to read the entire application carefully before applying. The application window will close at 11:59 PM (23:59) CST on Friday, May 3rd, 2018.


2-3 Days


This application offers the option of confirming TWO days at the leadership pay rate and ONE day at the standard rate for this event. If you are only available for two days, that’s not a problem; just apply for two days, and you will still be eligible for leadership compensation for those two days.




Culturally, leadership is more than a title and level. As a leader at MagicFest Barcelona, you are expected to invest in your team members, collaborating with them, helping one another to grow and to gain the valuable experience that each MagicFest offers.  


Part and parcel with cultural leadership are the tasks and duties required of leaders at a CFBE event.  As part of our leadership team you may be asked to:



The Leadership Team at CFBE Events have a typical shift time of 10-12 hours  There is a one hour lunch and at least one additional break during your shift.  Leaders on the Grand Prix will be scheduled until the end of swiss* on Day One and through the completion of the Top 8 on Day Two.  (*Start of Round 9 for individual Limited Grand Prix)




We also received a lot of feedback on compensation. Based on that feedback, we are happy to offer Leaders who join our onsite team through this application the following compensation rates (this does not include Thursday Set-Up). Please note that default compensation rates include booster display boxes from the most recent Standard set. Successful applicants may select an all-cash option prior to this MagicFest event if that is prefered. Compensation rates that do not include boxes are listed in brackets after the default rates:

Daily Lead Compensation

Daily Non-Lead Compensation

3 Days

$375 + 2 boxes


$250 + 1 box


$1,000 + 5 boxes



A survey to accepted staff will be sent out seven (7) weeks prior to each event. That survey will allow you to:

Please remember that failure to fill out this survey will result in the default compensation of boxes plus PayPal or Checks in the local currency.

Leaders selected through this application are also able to apply for Thursday Set-Up at the standard rate of $150 and two booster boxes.




Please note that all staff are independent contractors and will be required to complete appropriate paperwork which includes a contract with Tournament Center, the company handling all staffing for this MagicFest. Submission of Tax and/or TIN information (for example, a Social Security Number in the United States) is required in order to work at this event. You can see a copy of a blank Tournament Center contract here:


This paperwork must be filled out PRIOR to MagicFest Barcelona.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Cristiana Dionisio
Level 5 (International Judge Program) Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Emmanuel Gutierrez
Level 5 (International Judge Program) France Floor Judge
David Larrea
Level 5 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Klaus Lassacher
Level 4 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Floor Judge
Daniel Sole Garcia
Level 4 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Oli Bird
Level 3 (International Judge Program) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Michael Chamberlain
Level 3 (Judge Academy) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Adrian Estoup
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Hispanic America - South Floor Judge
Jeremie Granat
Level 3 (International Judge Program) German-speaking countries Floor Judge
Agustín Mopty
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Hispanic America - South Floor Judge
Sebastian Pękala
Level 3 (Judge Academy) Europe - Central Floor Judge
Thomas Ralph
Level 3 (UK Magic Officials) United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa Floor Judge
Jorge Requesens
Level 3 (International Judge Program) Iberia Floor Judge
Gerard Trpin
Level 3 (International Judge Program) France Floor Judge
Johanna Virtanen
Level 3 (Magic Judges Finland) Europe - North Floor Judge
Jason Wong
Level 3 (Judge Academy) Canada - Eastern Provinces Floor Judge
Jessica Livingston
Level 2 (Judge Academy) USA - Southwest Staff
Anna Zielińska
Level 2 (International Judge Program) Europe - Central Floor Judge
Nicolas Glik
Uncertified Iberia Staff
Jon Saso
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Tournament Organizer
Mashi Scanlan
Uncertified USA - Pacific West Staff
CFBEvents Staff Manager
Uncertified USA - Great Lakes Judge Manager